Keychain - nightmare

Note to self (and everyone else, maybe)
How to know you are playing this game to much.

Recently, during the introduction of phase 2, I had a nightmare. Remember, there was lots of discussions about implementation of a keychain?

In my dream, I opened my bag and pressed on “assembling button” and nothing happened!
Started to look around in the bag, trying to find that damn keychain. Suddenly I realize, to my horror – I’m standing in Molten Core, raiding. Am looking at my raid frames and they start to disappear!!! On my screen! I do also realize, that I cannot see any bars, like ANYWERE!! Even my action bars are gone!

I’m still pressing them, I remember them because of muscle memory, but nothing happens. No tank, no raid and I start to feel panic, because all I can see are those dark red walls on the left side of the screen, where all the raid frames are supposed to be, while on my right side, I still see my open bag, and I’m till clicking on the key chain button and absolutely nothing happens!

I never found the key….

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