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Yes, with the return of Ysera maybe she can help us out with that, it would be great to have Felwood restored, it could even be part of the Night elf heritage armour questline.

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All Tauren people will be united under the Horde banner. After Taunka only Yaungol are missing.

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Diremaul belongs to the ogres now. The empty zone where the Horde killed the Shen’drelar should be given to the many allies of ours. Heard the Stonemaul need a new home.

Oh, yes, how could have i forgotten, we need to get the Ogres out of Diremaul so our Shen’dralar allies can have their home back.
Eldre’Thalas would look beautiful rebuilt and with new models, that’s for sure.

Indeed! Feralas suits us Elves so nicely and with Feathermoon Stronghold nearby we would have a sea route right to a newly built Teldrassil. Just imagine… a straight route from A to B without any hassle and with Ashenvale free of Horde presence no-more Zoram to interrupt this harmony :xD

You wish :speak_no_evil:


Yee, that’s not gonna happen. The only reason they were there to beign with was Tyrande’s genocidal edict, where being outside her reach was the point. (Also the whole business with summoning demons, but w/e)

Just imagine, Auberdine and Lor’danel restored, Zoram’Gar oupost replaced by a Kaldorei settlement that links Darkshore-Ashenvale-Feralas, and in land we had the frost lands of Winterspring, just imagine how a Hunter’s Hall would look like there, so cozy! And the lush woods of Felwood finally freed from corruption.
The Trolls gone from Shatterspear vale… The lumber camps and the Horde outposts gone…
Oh… well… An elf can dream.


Blizzard agrees. Otherwise they would have updated it in Cataclysm.

1.) Blizzard is a fickle storyteller.

2.)Since Cata the torching of Teldrassil has happened, i.e. the elimination of the only faction capital ever!!

Orgrimmar has merely suffered a siege and Undercity (i.e. the sewers) are intact. Thanks to Calia the self-inflicted plight is now gone too (upper levels) - so yes - there is hope that a) Blizzard will re-vamp Eldre-Thalas as the new Nelf capital or we’ll get a new Worldtree :slight_smile:

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Please no world trees, those things are void magnets, last time you planted one you gave Yogg access to your precious emerald dream.

IF you guys decide to plant a new one please consult with the Ren’dorei to find a place that is not close to the prison of and Old God

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Will do mate. Promise! :wink:

Calia ruined the Forsaken. Also undercity is not avaible yet. You can not enter it ingame.

Having your cities turned into raids where important lore characters get killed is humiliation.

Fandral was just trying to do what he thought was right, after all, the duty of a druid is to protect life, but he planted Andrassil without the Cenarion’s circle approval, that’s why it was corrupted by Yogg, it won’t happen again.

You may not be able to enter it in-game yet - but, at least you are close to doing so. Try that with the ol’ Worldtree. :cry:

Erevien, now you are comparing apples to oranges. We were talking faction capitals not lore characters and in that respect Orgrimmar won and Darnassus lost, right?

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Oh, he does that all the time, quicly changing subject when you hit him with da facts.

Runthak, Nazgrim, Malkorok, Rastakhan and the loa champions won’t be forgotten.

Basically all world trees not named Nordrassil were a Staghelm vanity project and an idol to Darnassian hubris. Night Elves were always conceptualised as a tribal people living in hidden places, which imho would be an ultimately more rewarding thing to return to since vanilla bastardised it.

I would have had no problem if we attack the argents and take Stratholme. It was bigger then the old capital city.