Kicked out of BG suddenly

How does this BG kick work? I thought you need to be ‘away’ for people to be able to vote you out. But it seems they can just do it, and you get NO WARNING whatsoever.

It doesn’t say why, by whom, or how this kicking occurred.

How is the kicked player EVER going to learn what they did wrong so they can improve their behaviour (the whole reason of kicking surely can’t be just to remove a possibly innocent customer out of a game they pay to play, without PROOF of some kind of guilt? Innocent until proven guilty, etc.)?

I was just explaining something to a DK that started insulting me, then I was just responding to the insult by explaining why they’re wrong (that DK went way over the line of acceptable conduct, started asking why I have a ‘low IQ’ although it was me that explained things that the DK didn’t seem to understand - and I did this without any malice or malevolence or animosity), and I was going to explain that there’s more to intelligence than just the Quotient (which I was sure the DK wouldn’t have even known IQ refers to)…

Just suddenly, 15-minute deserter buff, without a trial, without explanation, without accusation, without a warning, just POOF! and you are out.

Did Blizz really think toxic people would NOT abuse this kind of feature? WHY, for the heaven’s sake, was THIS kind of hugely abusable feature added? People shouldn’t be able to just kick someone so easily and quickly, there should be some kind of proof that the individual in question deserves to be kicked, there should be a VALID REASON for it, and there should be a WARNING and EXPLANATION first, to give a chance to change the ‘unwanted behaviour’ (whatever that might be), and all that.

This kind of unfair system will be abused so much, if it’s not changed. SURELY Blizz realizes this!

Why add more abuse to the game, more rewards for being toxic, but no rewards for being good? Why remove all the fun (the ‘Flag of swiftness’ used to work in Arathi Basin, but now it doesn’t work in many BGs - just to bring out ONE example) and impose all kinds of arbitrary, nonsensical limitations?

Also, why don’t things make sense? For example, WHY do BGs give a CLOAK (out of all things) as a reward sometimes, when the game KNOWS we need to use, have and keep the ‘cloak questline cloak’ anyway? What’s the point of giving me a 425 cloak I can never use, because this game requires us to have the PvE cloak anyway?

I don’t get why this happens. I heard there are questlines that require and mention a portal that has been removed from the game.

Come on, Blizzard, this game WAS SO GOOD, why was it worsened this much? Bring common sense back, remove twinks, nerf rogues, make BGs balanced, bring back separate PvP gear so we never need to touch PvE again, and make the BG kicking feature FAIR for everyone, not just for the abuse-minded!

(I have probably a thousand more ideas on how to improve this game, but if everything went back to how MoP was, BG-wise, that would probably be enough for me).

Blizz, you dropped the ball. But you can still pick it up and FIX THIS GAME.


Wish kicking those afk in the turrets at the start and throughout the game was as easy. IOC still seems a favourite.

If you were in a gy it can give you an auto kick if you were there for only small time.

If you stop moving and type nonsense instead of playing and moving towards PvP objectives you deserve to be kicked.

If someone talks to you in disrespectful way you ignore that person and move on and grow a pair.

yes, the system can be abused, just needs a few people to report you as AFK, even if you are actively participating in the BG and you get kicked and take the debuff.

These days it’s best to not even communicate in BG as people will just report you AFK if you start complaining about losing.

Downside to that is everyone is getting wise and not speaking which ruins the BG as no communication happens so you end up losing anyway

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