Kicked out of solo shuffle

I was in a delve when the queue pop for SS and I joined
After 3 games I got kicked, with the leaver status and I was TP outside the delve.

I believe I got kicked from the delved but this trigger me also to leave the solo shuffle arena. Please fix this :smiley:

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Can confirm that i got kicked out of shuffle following my second game. Gave me 15 mins of ‘No Show’. Just kicked me once the second game ended

Got in shuffle after 12 min que.
Lost 1st game, won 2nd and 3rd game and it kicked me with No Show debuff.

What is going on ?

Same for me. At end of second game i had won 2 rounds then got loading screen with 15min deserter buff no change to rating.
Would seem today is not the day to play wow. I avoided shuffle all day due to BM bug. They hotfix that and now this.
They need to address ele and sub rogue while they are at it, oh and holy pala.
Glorious day

It’s a bug. Not the first time this happened. Just don’t queue shuffle until it’s fixed.

When do we know it’s fixed? I want to play but afraid of this happening again. Yesterday it happened twice…

It happens not only in SS, normal BGS as well, but in case when game kicks you out BGS you don’t get a deserter debuff.

As expected, the support team decided to give me a “Let me explain to you how a defector works and then I’ll go on spitting at the ceiling in my office” kind of answer

has this been fixed yet?

I’ve heard Supatease too saying there’s a bug ppl randomly get kicked.

Is it fixed now?

No, my teammate was kicked during the mid of the fight despite. We had two wins in SS and just ~15 seconds in the fourth match he was kicked.

Still broken?

The closest fix is weekly reset it seems. People on redit wrote that it is still happening.
On Korrak’s revenge more often, than in other game modes.

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