Kill Baine

You are boring. xD

No Erevien, you are a traitor to the Horde. Baine represents The True Horde, and all that is best in the Horde. Stop making threats to our great leadership! Long live Baine!

Horde became the left wing of gaming

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Baine is to Anduin what Yoshi is to Super Mario.

I protect Baine! You shall not pass!

You mean nothing to me. I will kill Baine. And the Tauren will lead to glory by Magatha then. Lok’tar!

you mean the tauren leader who worked with the alliance sometimes i wonder if you even play this game

Hello there, [ANOTHER PLAYER]! I would like to state that Baine is a pretty good guy, and you should not chastise him like that.

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oh god its yet another [ANOTHER PLAYER] thread

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Horde = Clown faction

In fairness, in California they are now on the 10mm, so that kinda decreases crazy guy’s chances even further!

can we cut a deal that his/her’s plane doesn’t cross UK airspace, I don’t want the chance that their pathogen might reach us

In fairness I think that ship sailed when the Alliance became a Self-Insert for Team USA! Horde is more like what most Right Wing players -Think- Europe is like, as opposed to what Europe actually is like. :stuck_out_tongue:

not actually sure they do anymore? I think they’ve gone next level, and now actually think they -are- their character. We have a name for people like that, in the RP community. It ain’t a pretty name

Given what Clown makeup is actually based on, and represents, I am strangely OK with this, because it is horrific and terrifying.

No, il just use the urban dictionary term of a clown.

Baine has accomplished more than the entire blood elf people in the last 10 years, which is not much actually

He deserves to be in the horde more than y’all subpar elves :clown_face:

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it’s not actually based on native American clown’s if that what you are thinking, clowns as we understand them today originated in 16th century Italy as comedic theatre independent of the native American clowns, and garish theatre makeup was the norm in Europe at the time because of class and gender restriction’s characters were often differentiated by makeup with all with bone white skin and rose red cheeks with a wig was to signal the character was a young girl/woman. this evolved with time to become the modern clown

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