Kill Baine

He is a filthy traitor. He should be put on a pyre and be burned alive to show everyone what will happen to you if you betray the Horde. Lok’tar!


Baine has feelings too man :slightly_frowning_face:


Baine cannot be killed!!
He’s Anduin’s mount!


imaginary glass breaks

My… GOD!!!

we will build a giant statue of baine in silvermoon since you think his worthy of such an honor Erevien and we’ll let him know you gave us the idea

Baine is a filthy traitor. He deserves to die. All the way back to Cataclysm. The sooner he dies the better Horde can be free of alliance tyranny again.


Baine is the heart of the Horde and alas the horde keeps losing it’s way its only by the Grace of God Emperor Baine that we keep finding our way back

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Not you again…

And Jaina also the alliance troops as well.

Baine is a filthy traitor who sends parts of his body to his alliance friends and always sells out the Horde to his human masters. He is a filthy disgrace who deserves to die. The sooner the better. No alliance bias will destroy MY Horde no longer. All who make peace with the alliance deserve nothing but misery in their lifes including you. I hope you and your family suffer pain and loss beyond repair.

the blood knight are my family and unlike you filthy magisters we stand unweavering in our dedication :stuck_out_tongue:

You are filthy traitor scum. You deserve to die. Everyone who makes peace with the alliance will suffer from it. DEATH TO ALL ALLIANCE VERMIN THAT KEEPS INFESTING THE FORUMS! EREVIEN IS COMING FOR YOU AND HE WILL WIPE YOU ALL OUT!

you might want to take your medicine my friend before you get banned again :stuck_out_tongue:


I will not stop until all alliance players are purged from this game. No peace. No comrpomise. Just slaughter and death. BEcause that is what vermin like yourself are deserve.

You ran out of Sunwell juice didn’t you.


Is it safe to assume you were forced at gunpoint to complete that double agent achievement?


You know that a lot of players, perhaps even most players, play both horde and alliance, right? Purge anyone and everyone who has an alliance character and you’ll struggle to find people to play with at all…


I will storm Irvine and force Blizzard to remove the alliance from the game. Nothing can stop me.

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well a 9mm to the head might stop you from the police after you broke and entered and treated blizzard staff with violence there are little things called laws

Finally showing your true colors neonazi ?

Last time i heard office buildings have security, and have tools of prevention. But if You get past them watch out for blue cars with those guys in blue with guns - those are modern Stormwind guards.

This person is said to be anti-vaxxer, so i doubt he would even be able to move of Germany.