Kill Command damage increased by 18% NOT applied in pvp-BUGGED

The last hotfixes says:

Beast Mastery

  • Basilisk Collar damage bonus per damage over time effect reduced to 2%/4% (was 5%/10%).

  • Kill Command damage increased by 18%.

  • All damage dealt by you and your pet’s abilities increased by 8%.

Kill command damage not applied in pvp so is bm spec is literally dead

and it’s a good news!

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Its applied in pvp aswell. If theres no text behind the buffs that says the buff is not applied in pvp combat, then it is applied in pve and pvp.

Also all damaging abilities from BM is increased by an additional 8% on all skills.
Which means kill command will do 26% more.

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It wasnt dead even before all this buffs since first week of the season. No any sane person would like to play bm when there is mm. Unless bm giga overbuffed like now ofc

is not applied in pvp, thats why i post this LOL

You didnt yet realise that he is trying to say that patch is bugged?

Its same bugs for demon hunter, one hero talent “warblade hunger” does not work at all, not in pvp not in pve.

Bm is basicly more braindead then bevor

Bevor you have at last the mechanic too stack your dots and get them up as long as possible in the same window too get out the max pump
Know it rly doesnt matter what you press as long you keep hitting buttons

The ret buffs did not go through either
Think it was not supposed to carry over into PvP, do they not always make a little extra note if they do?
Seems strange that they forgot for so many classes/specs, maybe it is a bug or maybe it is intended

U guys are right and im absolutely wrong haha sorry. Seems US has the same problem.

i have heard, that kill command got stealth nerfed, it went from 350k down to 220k

i hope anyway with the rework that mm becomes meta, Ai classes like demo wl or bm hunter shouldnt be viable in arena

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The buff is applied in PvP but they explicitly changed the PvP modifier to offset the buff:

They really buffed the abilities and proceed to stealth nerf in PvP and did not even tell people, they are cooked

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i dont know what is going on with the balance team since tww

Good. BM and demo lock don’t belong in pvp, nobody likes them and nobody enjoys playing against pet specs. I don’t mind MM and surv being good in pvp, but BM is just ridiculous and faceroll.


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