Kill Talanji

No. Keep Talanji.

That’s not even good bait.

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What I mean is that, in my opinion, what appeared in BfA as “needing some champions” must be understood as “needing allies” in general. That’s actually supported by what you’re saying : it doesn’t make any sense that Talanji had to travel overseas and step into hostile territories if she merely needed a handful of champions. Hence why I think she wasn’t after a handful of champions, she was after allies and considerable military support, and despite what might have been shown ingame that’s actually what we’re intended to think the Horde gave her. It’s one of those “game unreliability” situations WoW is used to. That’s what I think.

“Allied”, maybe. Allied doesn’t mean saying the Blood Oath and committing into an open faction conflict for no actual reasons though. The situation was simple. Talanji needed help, but the Empire couldn’t rely on the Mogu partnership anymore and Trolls in general were in a very weak position, with the Drakkari extinct and the Gurubashi and Amani collapsed as relevant forces. So what was left in terms of foreign powers ? The two factions. Both were on hostile terms with the Zandalari, but the Horde was obviously the most natural choice, given its connection with the Trollkind. And so she tried to reach out to them. Up until that point, I don’t see any reason for the Zandalari to engage into frontal conflicts with the Alliance. That changed with the imprisonment, of course, it had already turned it into something more personal.

Of course Rastakhan’s death was a deciding factor. Along with the fact that BoDA also resulted in the capital rampaged and the Golden Fleet sunken. The events of BoDA are why Talanji sought (and still seeks) retribution against the Alliance in the first place, and they’re explicitly why the political situation in Zandalar was so tense in Shadows Rising.

The “my enemies’ friends are my enemies” thing isn’t always true. Not that it doesn’t make sense but the Alliance applied that saying throughout the entirety of the 4th War and that brought them nothing except sending more people into the Horde. Remember that the reason why the 7th Legion attacked Vulperan caravans is that they wanted to dissuade them from building close relationships with the Horde. Once again, that didn’t exactly turn out to be a brilliant idea. The Alliance is constantly the one being a surprised Pikachu at the sight of how many ennemies it made itself by being dumb.

I’m not certain the Zandalari wouldn’t have joined the Horde hadn’t the Alliance interfered so hard. Zandalari citizens were totally defiant of the Horde when we first arrived so that’s very possible, but I don’t know. It def made sure they would though, and even Anduin said that their strategy was a failure, so there’s no reason to doubt that it was.

So… if you really think that… what exactly do you think would have been the offer here, if not joining the Horde in their wars? “Please send armies to help Zandalar, out of the goodness of your hearts”? Because anything else would kinda sound like an official offer of an alliance to me… Apart from that, inviting an aggressive foreign army onto your soil doesn’t exactly sound like the soundest leadership to me, either. Armies have a tendency to take what they want, and Sylvanas is not exactly known for sentimentality.

It’s not just “my enemies’ friends”, though, but “my enemies and their friends who are also my enemies”. We’re not talking Vulpera who can plead ignorance here. We are talking about the guys who tried to rile up the trolls of the world, including in Alliance lands, and ressurected the Thunder King just a few years prior and which had already used the Horde to break into fricking Stormwind, sunk an Alliance fleet and provided ressources like the coveted Azerite to the Horde. Heck, Jaina’s brother was tortured by the Horde within the royal pyramid. I really don’t see why the Alliance should care if the Zandalari formally joined the Horde, if that’s what they were doing without being a member. The Zandalari were an enemy of the Alliance. AND they were a relevant part of the “fourth war”. They fought in this war, and on the enemy side. If they were two seperate enemy organizations that were working together or one organization isn’t really the point… And wasn’t the point after the Zandalari joined the Horde, either. Remember, Talanji swore no Blood Oath and we have no reason to think any Zandalari did. She still claimed equal standing to the Warchief. If you care about the difference between joining the Horde and allying with it… well, she didn’t join at that point. And she was close to abandoning this alliance again once the Horde abandoned the war.

Okay, I’ll grant you that point. The Zandalari were using their available ressources to shelter the Horde, equip the Horde, defend the Horde, and were most likely planning to keep that alliance wit the Horde up anyways… but they only started craving vengeance after they got the inevitable Alliance attack they asked for. They were perfectly happy to destroy the Alliance and help the Horde win their world war, but they weren’t prepared to take losses they actually cared about. And that might have changed after Dazar.

Now, like I said above that point is pretty much irrelevant for the Alliance, since the Zandalari were just as dangerous when they were taking part in the war “defensively”, freeing up other Horde ressources to do the aggression, but I guess I can’t deny the trolls cared.

I would love it if the remaining Troll tribes from all over the world would join up with the Horde and aid the Zandalari to crave their vengeance against the alliance. That would be the next logical step in the overall troll story. Uniting all trolls as one people like it had been back in the days of the Empire of Zul. Where the trolls were at the height of their power.

Wonder what’s their remaining numbers btw.
Amani and Gurubashi took 2 city sackings, Drakkari almost extinct. And we do not know about modern farraki, add to injury the failed invasion of Pandaria.
So are there enough Trolls to even form a group large enough to even become a sub-faction ?

No. Kill Talanji. She betrayed her people. Also kill Thrall and Baine too while we are at it. Since they betrayed the Zandalari too. They care too much about keeping peace while ignoring the cries for vengeance the Horde races have. There will be no justice until all peacer mongers are dead. Lok’tar!

The problem is that to kill Talanji, Thrall, Baine, and all others (even if Lor’themar could just declare Rommath is the new Regent or even King so his death is not required), multiple Alliance invasions would be needed in multiple Horde cities or at the very least, Orgrimmar again where the Council is…so the Alliance bias would be stronger than ever in your opinion Erevien…they can only die with Alliance invasions and not Horde rebellions since they are good guys…

They are not the good guys. They are filthy traitors who hold a regime of tyranny over the Horde races. Their rulership must be overthrown. Only then the Horde can be free and able to destryo what remains of the alliance for good. The Horde will rise. The Alliance fall. That is my mission. Lok’tar!

In fact, there’s a good chance that we will see the troll tribes unite in the near future.
We have seen members of the various tribes stand side by side at Rastakhan’s funeral, paying him their last respects.

We have the prospect of Vol’jin’s ascension to loa, he now carries the spirit of Rezan inside him and his new voice line is “For the Darkspear- and all the tribes.”

We have Sen’jin’s prophecy that he will be the one to unite the tribes.

The Darkspear and the Zandalari have already been working closely together to save Zandalar and established mutual respect.

Sand Troll and Dark Troll skin have been added to customizations, and I hope Forest Trolls will follow.

Drakkari, sadly, are believed to be extinct by now, but there are other Ice Troll tribes and when has Blizzard ever cared about population numbers anyway?

So, yes, I believe a united troll empire is possible. But it won’t be like Zul’s empire.
Neither Talanji nor Vol’jin are warmongers, and this union will be to secure the survival of the tribes and protect each other against potential threats, not to start new wars.


That is why we need Rastakhan back. He will attack the alliance and make Kul Tiras pay for what they did to Zandalar.

War with the alliance is right and just. We will destroy them all. No mercy. They will suffer.

Yeah whatever. Why am I even talking to you…


I googled his name. It came back with:
Did you mean, “lost cause.”

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He wants to kill Lor’themar and Thalyssra too because in his opinion they are weaklings who make deals with Jaina and other Alliance characters and in order to send the Blood Elves and Nightborne on a rampage against the Alliance or at the very least to the hostile levels of the Sunfury Blood Elves during BC (meaning active production of Blood Golems and mana bombs would have to restart again like the one who was dropped by Kael’thas on Kirin’var village in Netherstorm and the Cenarion outpost in Terokkar forest (other than Theramore later).

But this is the problem if you are a fan of a whole faction (Horde-Alliance) rather than picking a single race of choice and be a fan of it…you want the faction to be strong and powerful and to attack and destroy the other one despite in WoW it can’t happen. Instead if you are a fan of a single race and not just a single faction or a single character (like the Sylvanas fans who are totally confused right now at her new situation…), you will get much more satisfaction in my opinion.

Even if Talanji and Vol’jin are not warmongers, a new united troll empire would likely soon become belligerent or at the very least aggressive, and possibly not just against the Alliance. Indeed in order to keep such a big united Troll empire made of different tribes, the first things they would need are resources and lebensraum (vital space) in order to keep everyone happy, much like the reasons of the Orc-Night Elf wars. The Troll expansion would advance in Kalimdor but if the Amani join as well, then they would start to make troubles in the Eastern Kingdoms too, mainly in Lordaeron this time if the Amani are willing to at least recognize Quel’thalas and the Blood Elves as their allies this time…(although i’m very dubious about that…)

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nah you’re just paranoid :kissing_heart:

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That’s why being a Blood Elf and Nightborne fan is so much better and simpler. Sin’dorei and Shal’dorei are two of the best races in the game right now and it’s fantastic that Blizzard gave the former a race that they can actually identify with.

Plus, Suramar - still being considered the jewel of the empire and Silvermoon - being the descendant city of Zin-Azshari…it’s almost like the two most powerful groups of old Highborne have found each other again.

I mean, so long as they remain with the Horde (or just not be part of the alliance), then I’m happy. The last thing we need right now are these two races of elves, being ordered about by the likes of Jaina and Tyrande.

If anything was to happen to the Blood elves in the next expansion (like the Sunwell being destroyed), then the Nightborne will certainly be at their side, working with them and helping them in both practical and understanding ways. It goes a lot more than what the Forsaken did in TBC.

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I don’t think you know how an absolute monarchy works my friend.

Talanji is the state and its people. Her will is Law.

She wants peace with the Alliance? Peace it shall be, wanting to overthrown Talanji for that makes you the *traitor.

Especially an outsider like your elfness.

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I find this highly debatable. Why then did he not expell the Horde the moment Talanji led them to Zandalar? Instead he allowed the Horde to remain, gave them a Speaker and a room to man, while allowing the Darkspear, Revantusk and Shatterspear their own Speakers in Zuldazar too!

I miss the days all trolls hated all elves and all elves hated all trolls.

Trolls hated the elves for beating their empires and claiming their territories.
Elves hated the trolls for trying to commit elfocide on them wherever they appear.

A few exceptions like the Shadowtooth and Shatterspear tribes were fun, but now its just not the same.

We have Shatterspear tribe having agreements with the night elves.
We have the Darkspear tribe druids joining the Cenarion Circle.
We have blood elves and trolls bieng buddy-buddy in the Horde.
We have nightborne not remembering what happened to forge their old empire and trolls apparently forgetting it too.


Only the total destruction of the alliance is acceptable terms. And I will stop at nothing to see the blue team wiped off from history. Beware of Erevien because he is coming for you until your cities burn, your leaders are killed and your people are enslaved.

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At this point I’m really wondering why exactly are you playing Horde, you don’t like any of their leaders, cities or characters. The only things you have mentioned you like are Alliance characters, cities, races and stories.