Kill Talanji

Exactly, like for example if you are a fan of a faction but become too extremist in your views, it’s possible you will change your mind and join the other team eventually, so an unsatisfied extremist Horde fan could actually become Alliance eventually because he doesn’t like “this” Horde anymore…like in real life, after WW2 there were actually people who were fascists but suddenly become communists (or, less likely, vice-versa).

Indeed I am not 100% sure of this but I think Erevien already have and play at least one Void Elf character, which means he actually played Alliance for quite a long time in order to unlock the Void Elf allied race, so this can be a proof actually of what I said :stuck_out_tongue: (while for example I am a long-time Blood Elf fan and I still have the Void Elf race locked, I think, even if I watched the Ren’dorei intro and starting quests on Youtube)

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I don’t think it goes that deep (ignoring the potential of him not being a troll ofc), I mean he just screams he hates the Alliance because reasons unspecified but proceeds to say that they have better everything… Seems to me he just likes the Alliance.

But what you described kinda happened to me. I started out as Horde and was very zug zug at the start because I got sold on that misunderstood noble savage narrative that the Horde aesthetic is structured around, then I read all the novels (at the time) and saw the whole story, turns out the Horde is not so misunderstood and the Alliance is not as “bigoted” as the narrative would like you to believe. In all honesty I really liked this form of storytelling where both sides would sell you, for lack of a better word propaganda. So knowing now both sides of the story and my tastes maturing over time I was losing my taste for the savage and/or edgy aesthetic of the horde and wanted something more classical fantasy.

That is easy. The Alliance gets everything better. To solve this problem the alliance needs to lose that stuff what makes them good. That means we burn their cities and kill their leaders. Then we have parity again because the alliance supremacy has been destrtoyed. That is my goal. To have the alliance losing everything they love.

Maybe Microsoft will hate the Alliance so you will get your chance there when they buy Blizzard :stuck_out_tongue:

Is a subjective statement, meaning that you personally like the Alliance things more, so I will ask again why are you still playing horde if you like the Alliance more.

What a vile, vindictive and little person you are. I hope this is just a cringey RP persona you are playing and not your actual character RL.

EDIT Also you are actively advocating for the deaths of horde characters and for some reason you are wondering why “Alliance has better characters” (which again is subjective). Your moronic solution to a made up problem (by you btw) is to kill more characters on faction that in recent years has already lost many and then kill characters on the other faction because you think they are better. At this point if you truly are as miserable as you sound you should really consider either switching to Alliance because you like them or quitting the game entirely instead of just spamming nonsense cringe on the forums.

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How is it vile? The things that happened to the Horde should happen to the alliance as well. That is called fairness. And equality. There is nothing wrong with that. Horde lost Stromgarde, Zuldazar and Undercity. In return the Alliance deserves to lose Stormwind, Ironforge and Boralus. That would make things even. Also

The Horde lost:

and many many more.

In return the alliance should also lose a bunch of beloved characters.

for a start. If Blizzard actually cared about the Horde they would give us these victories.

Because we deserve it. Bfa was full of alliance bias and it is about damm time the status quo which heavily favors the alliance way too much is broken.

Because the leaders we have now are utter trash. They deserve to die and to be replaced with people who are willing to lay harm on the alliance. Peace with the alliance is not acceptable. Not until they have suffered real defeat and lose all the fun with the game like I did. Death to the alliance. Always. Lok’tar!

Was never yours in the first place.

You still have it. In fact killing of Talanji could potentially lead to you losing it.

Thanks to Sylvanas and you yourself nuked it. If she didn’t have started a pointless was you would still had it.

Killed by Trall, a horde character. Also wanted to eradicate half the horde.

Killed by horde. Also I though he was a “filthy traitor”.

Got resurrected as a death knight.



Still alive and getting an undeserved redemption arc.

Who ?

Was never horde

Was never horde

Was never horde.

If I would go by your logic the alliance lost

Deathwing because he used a human form
Edwin Van Cleeve because he was a human
Archbishop Benedictus
Nefarion- same as Deathwing
Onixia-same as Deathwing
Sylvanas-because she was a high elf at a point
Kael Thas- because he was Alliance at the time
The Forsaken-because Lordaeron was an Alliance capital once.

And many many more.

So are you done twisting facts or do you not know the story of warcraft ?

How utterly pathetic you are.

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Was the Nightborne leader.

Was Horde pre Tempest Keep.

The Draenor Horde is the true heir of the old Horde. Not Thrall’s pathetic group of self loathing hippies.

The leader of the Dragonmaw clan.

About to get killed by Tyrande because Teldrassil.

Joined a neutral faction and has no use for the Horde any longer.

He was the Orc leader. That counts as loss for me.

Because they are filthy traitors. Anyone who doesn’t agree on destroying the entire alliance for good doesn’t deserve to be part of the Horde.

Taken by the alliance. The Alliance did it.

It is utterly useless without Rastakhan and the fleet. It was the biggest victory in all of Bfa and humiliated the Zandalari beyond repair.

Good. Better to be dead then being lead by someone who makes peace with the alliance.

It was contestet pre Bfa. So that counts as loss as well.

The only loss Alliance had was Varian. Every other original leader of their races is still around kicking it. That is alliance bias and I need to check your privilige filthy blue person.

Before the Nightborne joined the horde and was actively trying to kill you.

Was the Blood elf leader before they joined the horde and was actively trying to kill you.

No it’s not, but if you are considering them to be you are losing the claim on all other characters you listed by proxy.

We are yet to see this. My prediction is that she will get stern talking to and then bugger off to find Nathanos.

Ah so you are capable of recognizing neutral characters and factions, rendering most of your claims mute but I’ll continue couse I have nothing better to do at the moment.

Horde on Horde crime, you can blame your waifu for that one.

You don’t deserve to be part of the horde because you are pathetic.

We didn’t start a war and we didn’t nuke the city, all we wanted was Sylvanas.

What utter nonsense is this? Stop writting your fanfiction it’s not good.

It was held by a neutral faction of undead, it was not contested.

Like I said… vile, vindictive and a pathetic little man. Seek help for your sake and those around you.

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Stromgarde was taken by bandits, Ogres and Trolls. No player faction was holding it bre Bfa.

Like I said. The Alliance deserves to suffer. Until that hasn’t happened I will not be happy and keep complaining.

The Zandalari are dead. Just like the entire Horde. Because of filthy traitors like Baine and Thrall who made peace with the one faction that deserves to be destroyed for good. The Alliance deserves to be dismantled entirley.

You attacked our city and forced Sylvanas to give it up. That was an alliance doing. You can’t weasel out of that.

You don’t deserve to be part of the Horde because you are filthy alliance scum who deserves no happieness ever in your life. Do everyone a favor and delete yourself.

Killed because he was manipulated by Anduin to sacrifice himself. Another death count on the alliance.

If Blizzard cared about the Horde she would return as warchief and get rid of the council. The council is activley ruining the Horde with their filthy alliance appeasement.

Yes it is. I spit on Thrall and everyone else in the trash Horde.

He was just misunderstoof. Lor’themar and his rebels are the real problem. They need to die.

She was OP and at least on par with Jaina in terms of magical power. Thalyssra is utterly useless and ran away from Jaina in fear. She is a coward and deserves to die.

Enjoy your forum vacation you disgusting excuse for a human, hope its a permanent one this time.

I am a much better person then you. I fight to make things better for the things I enjoy and love. You only fight to make sure other people then yourself stay miserable. We are not equal.

I am not the one telling people to end themselves over a video game. I am not the one wanting to others to be miserable because I am. You are right we are not equal, when I have a problem with the game I try to come up with positive solutions that will not ruin the fun of other, while you Erevien would seem to only get turned on if Alliance players suffer so in fact

This is exactly what you are doing.

He probably just means delete the character, not you as a person. In this forum not everyone is english so it’s difficult to talk sometimes. Although I agree and I already told you that Erevien is a bit too extremist, maybe a third faction like the playable Scourge (that was hinted by some youtubers recently, actually) or anyway a faction that is supposed to be evil to the core would fit him better…

I know but it was still the ruins of an Alliance city…Blizzard often doesn’t like to swap territories between the factions if there’s no reason to, even the recent Exploring Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms basically restablished the pre-fourth war status quo with some minor changes only for Night Elves and Forsaken. As Horde fans it’s kinda ok too, until the time the Alliance doesn’t openly want to expand up in Lordaeron or Quel’thalas, it’s fine if they have Stromgarde at least. Especially because right now Stromgarde is basically just a small colony of Stormwind anyway…

She was in Stormwind so it’s impossible to make a clean 1vs1 there without the rest of the Alliance interfering…only option was to escape there… Alleria ran away from Lor’themar and Rommath at the Sunwell too, despite her “uber” awesome new Void powers she was afraid to be imprisoned or killed there . :stuck_out_tongue:

Because she didn’t want to harm anybody. Her stated goal is still to bring Silvermoon back into the alliance somehow. Attacking their leaders would just make the common people hate you and foil your plans to make them join your side.

Outland bases have old Orc ruins too yet you do not see me advocating to have the playable Horde take them again.

Jaina was alone against Thalyssra, Rokhan, Nathanos, Talanji and Zul. Blizzard impyling that she would be able to solo them all on her own is bad for faction pride. Blizzard pretty much told Horde players that their favorite characters suck.

This person is said to be

  • Open racist toward migrants especially Muslim
  • Anti-Vaxxer
  • Supports right-wing populist party which is considered n.a.z.i by everyone else.
    So i guess the person irl is whatever You can expect from an ultra-right wing. Always find amusing where they use “the privilage” term. Are they tring to mock lefitists bt that

Guess it all lead to that, Gul’dan and Sylvanas take on faction was rather evil tho. Guess that is why he still clings to it.
My theory is simple that They are frustrated at political system/society at all that and now even the game refuses to just flow in his direction. Extremists never realises Wow will always be “Batman vs Joker” without Horde, Alliance does not have any sense of existence. - which happen after warcraft 2 anyway. And vice versa if that happens

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Oh god, don’t make me defend Erevien of all people. Unless you provide quotes/links, I will not bash him on rumors.

This if true is wrong.

He has every right to question and be against the vaccine. I mean I am vaccinated and yet I still got covid.

I must admit I don’t know anything about the “right-wing populist party” so I’ll ask are they REALLY considered to be that by everyone else or only by the left wing. And if you are one of those people (if not forgive me for assuming) no I’m not right leaning, I consider myself to centrist.

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Do we really have to talk politics to understand the value of Erevien’s stated opinions in this forum? It’s pretty self-evident.

The value, no? And I don’t care about his politics, they have nothing to do with the fact he is a vile PoS.

I care about the Horde. I will do anything to make it great again. But for that to happen the weaklings need to be purged from leadership. Starting with Baine and Thrall who are the arch-traitors.