Kill Talanji

For this reason in case of a war once again (not just against the Alliance) I think temporarily a Warchief should be officially elected by the Horde Council once again at least for the duration of the war, then the Council returns in power in times of peace…it would make sense since in war a more central command is needed…

or even better, two Warchiefs (one for Kalimdor and one for the Eastern Kingdoms, so a single Warchief doesn’t have to deal with both situations at the same time, and they don’t get too much military power because they are two), and then in time of peace they both give back their special powers to the Horde Council…

this was actually the ancient Romans political system during war and peaceful times, at least initially during the times of the Roman Republic and before the Roman Empire…and it worked quite well :stuck_out_tongue:

A temporary Warchief should be Lor’themar considering the Horde leaders turned to him, when Thrall and Baine got kidnapped.

Plus, at long last, we have a zealous lead Alliance with Turaylon and Alleria and a more peaceful lead Horde with Lor’themar (and maybe Thalyssra.)

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Lor’themar is nothing. He should be executed for high treason. Together with the rest of the council. For their aligiance to the alliance death is the only fitting punishment.

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I’m ignoring the bull* in this thread and try to get to an important point:

Blizzard really needs to get rid of a lot of those stupid overpowered plot armor characters finally.
I’m looking at you Sylvanas, Tyrande, Jaina, Anduin, Velen and a lot of others. They are hurting the story and prohibit better storylines in the future.

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They are also seemingly denying the lore progression of other characters.

For example - what is the point of giving a Priestess of Elune (such as Belysra Starbreeze who was highly involved in the Worgen story and in a way, started the whole night elf vs forsaken) more lore, when all she will be is a lesser version of Tyrande.
What is the point of developing more Dark Rangers (such as Velonara) when Sylvanas does it so much better?

This seems to be the philosophy. The racial leaders = the races. This is hindering the races.
So Tyrande = all Night Elves
Sylvanas = all Forsaken
Anduin = all Humans
Baine = all Tauren

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hello im from the general forum id like to make a PSA, Erevien is a well known troll over there for making posts like this. The only thing you need to post when you see one of his threads is to remind him to take his meds :pill:

Zappyboy was fun up until he was used more. It’s been a while and idk if we can still consider him a fan favoite, hes more annoying then anything else.

Without going to technical about it, the points is that they killed potential and interesting characters. Rastakahn was known character in the background for a long time. On top of that, he was just more interesting and cooler then Talanji. We never heard of her and now she queen of the Zandalari, it was a painfull display as many troll fans opted to keep Rastakahn around, because of potential future horde storylines.

I could imagine him being in the horde council as some kind of advisor, but stepping down as king. He should have just been kept around and a strong character with some history.

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To be fair its not much better over here, all our interesting leaders died and the two who have what’s probably the most interesting dynamic(Turalyon and Alleria) we have heard nothing about.

ill admit I never liked the idea of killing Rastakahn, he was built up as this larger than life character the dread king of the zandalari who sided with the Mogu and created Oondasta the raid wiper. king of a race so xenophobic they kill any none troll who visits them… and we kill him in less than the space of a xpack

Do you think the infighting within the Alliance is what is key, here?

I mean - Turaylon is zealously loyal to the Light. How does that match up to an equally zealous character like Maiev, who does not hold the same faith as he does, but they are both Alliance? Could the night elf faith in Elune and the lightforged draenei’s faith in the Light become part of the infighting?

No, he is not, no matter how often the fandom repeats it.

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[quote=“Leíá-argent-dawn, post:170, topic:335045”]
Do you think the infighting within the Alliance is what is key, here?

I mean - Turaylon is zealously loyal to the Light. How does that match up to an equally zealous character like Maiev, who does not hold the same faith as he does, but they are both Alliance? Could the night elf faith in Elune and the lightforged draenei’s faith in the Light become part of the infighting?[/quote]

No that’s the problem, there is no in fighting. There is no tensions, none of the leaders at the least act on any motivations outside of “the alliance” and if anything comes up its handled by having the leader back down Tyranade is a perfect example of this, she was driven by an obstinately just motivation of “the horde just burned my city and most of my species” so she strays into this moral gray zone, it could have made good arc that shows the alliance arnt the generic infallible “good guys” if she went on a genocidal rampage of revenge because she was driven by rage and Greif, an understandable fall to evil. But no Elune just slaps her hand tells her to cut that crap out and go back.

Especially him him telling Talanji “the murderers of your father are nice people” was weird.

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Of course. Alliance is here just to improve Horde story.

Yes, yes, you will tell me that Horde story sucks. Yes, but Alliance’s one sucks more.

Welcome to the club. Since Cata we had Varian and after that Anduin telling Alliance that Horde people are actually nice. Yes, they try to genocide us every 3-4 expansions, but they are nice, and we will use Alliance bodies to help them get rid of their tyrants. Tyrants they may not want to get rid of.

Not even close to the truth. Alliance is priviliged.

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Trust me on this the only privilege we have is the writers don’t care enough to create a crappy story. We don’t get a story we get told to go here do this with the occasional fluff.

You destroyed the Zandalari. You took the Horde’s last cool leaders away. All your heroes always feature in the greater plot. Your faction actually supports each other. Meanwhile the Horde is more fractured then ever before and never gets anything good from Blizzard. the Exploring Azeroth book is the best proof of that.

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No that’s the writers fault, I didnt write the plot that ends with the death of Rastakahn at the hands of the Alliance, and im sick of written as the clean up crew to the hordes latest warchief going full austrian painter.

You want to endlessly whine about the plot? Just spam the writers email inbox till you get blocked…

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Soon your alliance will crumble and everyone and everything you love will burn to ash. Scum. Expect our attack soon and we will show no mercy because you deserve none. Alliance filth.

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combine that with Rastakhan totaly refusing to talk to the alliance also, but instead attacking them instantly, he knew they where comming, but instead of listening he order his men to kill them, what directly did lead him to his death, and well Bownzamdi totaly helping out to kill him for his own reasons.