Kill Talanji

Just join #TeamApolitical, and hate all politicians no matter what! :smiley:

Yes, this is a lore thread.

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This topic is about wanting to kill Talanji. Since she is a traitor who ignores the cries of vengeance against Kul Tiras from her people for the sake of compromise with the Horde council. She needs to be hanged and replaced with someone who is willing to attack Jaina.

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Or join a political party (the one that’s closest with your ideas) with your friends and show them how to do it. Hating all politicians and doing nothing means enabling them.

Lore died long time ago.

It’s so cool to live in a world where the wishes of this Fake Erevien never come true. I love reality! For the Alliance! Long live Talanji!

Hehe then you should have called yourself Neivere, the true Nemesis of Erevien :grin: (and btw I’m sure he has Void Elf characters too…)

I don’t.

My enemy is alliance bias.

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Well spoken, my High Priest, herald and voice!

I am a part of all of you, a part that you need to overcome.
I am the Alliance bias that is rooted in the very heart of every Warcraft player.
I am the Alliance bias that everyone needs to overcome to be a true fan of the Horde, a difficult challenge of the highest order, a goal, that, so far, only one person was able to achieve.

Listen to my blessed child for only he knows the game better than its creators.
This is the way. :latin_cross: :sunny: :pray:

HAIL TO YOU, OH GREAT ALLIANCE BIAS! Long may you reign! I am your most devoted servant!

King Rastakahn, was an amazing and felt like a fresh character. Finnaly a cool, calculating, powerfull, but flawed leader. Hes story was cool and many including myself were super hyped he would finnaly show up.

Killed the next patch, as foreshadowed by hes boring Daugher.

Bring him back to the council of the horde, use Vol’jin as golden loa infused rezan and give us back this cool character. Zandalar was amazing as well, but lost 50% of that feel when this long awaited character died. No one cares he was 250 years old and he lost hes touch bs, but we only saw him for a few months!! he was gaining trust and love by the people. Stop killing all cool trolls my gawd GUYS! zul’jin, sen’jin, vol’jin and now Rastakahn. Should have been Tanalji or stupid zappyboy no one cares about.

Making Talanji an Ambassador and keep Rastakahn alive would have been more then fine. KIlling him, while gelbin and jaina survived was super pointless for many.

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It is alliance bias. Plain and simple. There is no logic behind it. Just favoritism for one faction over the other.

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True words, my son.
After all, faith doesn’t need logic or facts.
To see the truth, you just have to let go of all blue boy privilege. :latin_cross: :sunny: :pray:

He was just cool , Talanji will always be sh*t, because she is the reason we lost the cool one.

Shes dead to me.

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Then Rastakhan should have just accepted the request of Genn and the Alliance to surrender in order to spare his life…or at least, he could have just pretended to surrender so that the Alliance stopped the invasion, UNTIL the Horde reinforcements came later…

in this case he would still be alive :stuck_out_tongue: but, I guess, as usual, the Trolls are too proud even for thinking about surrendering even if the odds are against them… (generally all Trolls are proud and arrogant like this, not just the Zandalari, so usually they just die rather than accepting defeat and surrender, but sometimes you need to be smart in war in order to win)

Were the former really cool Trolls? I guess for Amani fans, Zul’jin was, fighting a proud and patriotic war to reclaim the former Amani lands…but again, without his Old Horde allies he was always on the losing side in Quel’thalas, he could only attack with hit, run and hide tactics, and after the Humans and Orcs both left the zone in the Second War to move to the capital city of Lordaeron, the Amani immediately lost to the High Elves.

He also had the chance to join the Horde or at least be neutral toward them (Blood Elves would have likely accepted this if it meant that Zul’jin and the Amani stopped attacking them), but again, he didn’t because he was too proud to accept after his loss in the Second War, and about joining his hated elven enemies…so he and a lot of his people just died and became irrelevant anyway eventually. Also remember for all his “rightful” fighting, he was actually cursed by the Loa and couldn’t regenerate himself… that’s not really a “cool” leader.

Sen’jin died to Murlocs…I know there were a lot of them, but, they are still Murlocs… it’s not really “cool” to die to them, even if as justification I agree he actually was doomed to fall exactly because Vol’jin needed to rule the Darkspear Tribe later. So it’s basically for the same mirrored reason of the death of Rastakhan in favour of Talanji, if you think about it…“out with the old, in with the new”, we could say :stuck_out_tongue:

And I am not sure about Talanji but Zappyboy definitely is a fan favourite after all, so a lot of people care about him…to the point that nickname that was given to him by the Troll fanbase in the BfA starting cinematic actually became his true nickname in the lore too thanks to Blizzard…

Dazar’Alor was a valid military target, it was ustified and the trolls had it coming tbh.

No wonder this comes from an alliance toon. But worry not. Soon we will raid Boralus and burn it to the ground. And kill Jaina and Katherine while we are at it. No mercy for alliance scum. You will all die.


If the Horde gathered a fleet to raid Boralus they would have a civil war while they sailed there and would sink each other’s ship.

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I might consider getting into your group for that You know for the “Cross-faction” :slight_smile:
Which i thought You would flame to hell after being announced, what happend, lost some touch ?

Not if we kill Baine and Thrall first. Without these filthy peace mongers nothing will stand in our way of total domination over all of Azeroth. EVERYTHING will belong to the Horde.

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The islands like Kul Tiras, Zandalar and Broken Isles must be attacked as last, because they are very difficult to conquer for everyone…even without the fleet of the Zandalari, it was said the land forces of the Trolls were still more powerful than the land armies of the Alliance, so the Alliance had to use that distraction and trick in order to attack and kill Rastakhan, and even then they basically didn’t accomplish much else there…so Kul Tiras should not be attacked, only at the end of war. If the Orcs ever manage to conquer all of Kalimdor then we can talk about attacking Kul Tiras or Stormwind, so just wait a bit I guess :stuck_out_tongue:

One of your power hungry warmonger will just stage a coup against whichever power hungry warmonger is currently in power.