Killed by Deathwing

Anyone else getting fed up with being killed by Deathwing? Enough already!


I was questing in Uldum for three hours on my mage and was killed twice. It hasn’t happened to me in any other zone though. Perhaps Deathwing just dislikes Uldum with a passion.

But yeah, it’s mildly annoying. Quest NPCs dying and having a 10+ minute respawn timer. So with the linear questing, you’re stuck for the time being.

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Rest assured the Stormwind Gryphon Riders are on the case*

*Lest they get burned to a crispy Dalaran Fried Chicken first.


Exactly. The other night I was going to have a short session on an alt in Taneris only to find the Inn on fire and my alt instantly dead. So I logged out for the night. He’s killed my alts at least a dozen times. I don’t remember it being this bad first time round, I think it only happened once.

Same thing as the undead invasion event from WOTLK lasting forever and you would have skull level undead in Tanaris and other places.

Nah he’s cool. And gets rid of the bots occasionally xP


I don’t mind him doing his thing, what I find frustrating however is some zone go red and warn you hes coming so you can react while most other zones don’t.

Yes but there are no plans to stop it until last raid opens…unless Blizz will listen to players. I’m taking a break until it’s over

For me it was the worst when I was doing Archeology early on. Not only would the damn Sword not proc after almost 1k digs. But then that moronic dragon would do a flyby and murder me in the air.

Yeah I mean. It happends constantly right? Like, you cant be out in the world anymore. You just get killed by Deathwing ALL the time. Like 24/7. Right?


Been killed once only by him and even then it wasn’t that inconvienent.

Just happened again to one of my alts that was UNDERGROUND in the barrow in Winterspring. Perhaps someone from Blizzard could tell me how long this is going to go on for so I can go and do something else until then. Baldur’s Gate III is looking good right now.

Lol taking break because of some occasional event? How fragile of a snowflake you are? If I hear his warning roar and skies turn red, I just hop on flying mount, swoop into the sky locate where Deathwing is and where is he heading and relocate myself.

It is thrilling and fun as if survival is at stake. Last time I had this feeling only in HC WoW. No Raid bosses feel as threatening.

15 times since Cataclysm started. And shove your insult up where the sun don’t shine, you would’nt have the guts to say that to my face.

Rofl lvl 60 not even taking helmet off. Maybe if you did taken it off sometimes you would hear huge dragon roar thundering across skies, that you would notice turned red without damn helmet blocking your vision all the time.

Wow you’re an offensive little retard! Some people play to enjoy, not jump on forums and act like a keyboard warrior! If you met me in real life I would flatten you, you’re a retarded little kid so grow up you sad little git!

Thanks bud but I think the stupid kid is attacking me :wink:

Started playing WoW in 25th of May 2005 and never saw someone whining over occasional mini event this hard.

Yeah guys like you must had been the reason we didn’t reexperienced Wrath Classic prepatch in full strength. Been there capitals crawling with zombies of NPCs and players, Alliance zombies biting Horde players and soon after they mutate (it was really fast when plage was in the last and most potent phase) the could understand each other on zombie language and went to raid crossroads together. Where was this fun, this change of pace in Wrath Classic prepatch. I tell you where in week and a half of prepatch cut short.

And you tell me dragon is a problem? Who are you, a bots owner? They keep dying because of Deathwing, aren’t they? Good!

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