Kind of lost between Zandalari Male and Orc male for rogue

What do you guys think, in your own opinions and experiences, look best out of these 2 for rogue ? and why ?

Reason i’m asking this is because i’m a fan of a certain aspect in both of these races. For example gear looks absolutely amazing on a zandalari male (but these toes man :frowning: … Hopefully i get used to that if i ever go zandalari), while Orcs have alpha animations that always make them seem dead serious and going all in to murder someone which, kinda fits the class to be honest. However gear on Orc male rogues look a bit too excessive for an agile assassin tbh lmao, but yeah if i go orc ill have to get used to that fact instead.

Keep in mind i mainly choose a race for looks and not for racials, and with that said, i quite like both racials so that’s not something i’m comparing. I’m only asking about what you guys think about both races for this class.

Thank you !

Undead male rogue is the only real option

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Go Orc rogue. What‘s more frightening than the shadowy frame of an orc popping up behind you?
Think of your agility like Bane or Doomsday. It surprises everyone.

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I think alot of the mog would generally sit better on a orc? just due to the age of the race being playable so alot of sets should sit well on the race, and if not you can always just pull the OP racial card :slight_smile:

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Orc, all tmogs look terrible on trolls because they’re always barefoot

The thing holding me back from playing orc is the fact that theyre just too big for the gear/class, and the merciless set is the clearest example, that thing looks something else on orcs haha.

However if there are some orc rogues that look like proper assassins, please do post here and show me yourself!

I never treated orc rogues as real rogues but i was wrong, orc rogue looks excellent in masks covering their mouths.

Orc male for sure. Never Straight Pose!!! old posture is more sneaky :smiley:

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