Kiting Blood Moon Event boss away so no one benefits

you should form a ST6 revolt and kite it back. See who makes the most ground

Listen, you can try to be smug about it and pretend the obvious isnt obvious to you, that the people doing the griefing have had the discipline to never brag or speak publically about it (see the reaction above) or use any other sort of ridiculous reasoning.

If you cant take the obvious at face value, theres no evidence that will make you budge. Especially not if you are involved in the matter. No one is obligated to prove the intent of anyone in ST6.

This is a matter for GMs to adjudicate. If they care enough and if there is such a thing left and it isnt already all AI.
If they choose to turn a blind eye, as they often have in the past, the griefing will intensify until it affects player retention, as it always has in the past.


You can corpse camp someone for 10 hours straight and nothing will happen

You can mind control someone and take them hostage, nothing will happen

You can camp the cave in AV and nothing will happen

They’re not going to do anything about this for the reasons I’ve already given. You can still get the bonus by following us, the map has many chained spirits on it, and as I’ve already said, there are PVP solutions to stopping us.

It does happen. It’s under the part disruptive gameplay. And it’s a harassment. It’s on ToS.

“Nothing will happen”.

Wrong, that bug that occured (i think early p2?) got fixed rather quickly. You cannot enslave people in game anymore, except in STV, which lasts only very few seconds (Tested).

We shall see about that in the upcoming days.

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Not a single one of us have been banned for all of the above I’ve listed.

You definitely can MC people, we did it at Gnomer entrance.

There was a server that had hundreds of people kill the boss, including a GM, were those people banned for griefing? I don’t think so

Mind control from priest? Yeah that can be done. The enslave demon method for warlocks however has been fixed. Only works in STV but only very few seconds.

Wasn’t talking about enslave, was talking about mind control hostage, which can be and has been done

Yeah, altho this can easily be countered. You log off/force dc yourself. But you ain’t telling me thus far anything that isn’t part of people’s toolkit. So that’s fine. Annoying sure, but within reach.

You can also counter the boss being kited by moving with it, or us being killed by horde.

The fact there’s countless number of chained spirits around STV suggest they intended for people to PVP all over and not just around the boss.

You aren’t being denied blood, you can still earn blood without the bonus

I am sorry if this has been your experience in the game and I understand the logical conclusion that if those behaviours are deemed permissible through passivity and inaction on the GMs part, you’d surely not recieve any sort of punishment this time either.

However the fact remains that all those things are nontheless against TOS and one instance of injustice does not provide you or anyone with justification to feel it is appropriate to act in the manner you chose to. Logical as that conclusion on your part may be, that is very much textbook anti-social behaviour. If you know what you are doing is wrong and you are doing it anyways, so be it. Roll the dice, it is just a game.

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You see I would be more inclined to accept this if you weren’t opted out the event. And you use the spirits which only spawn during the event which you opted out

Opting out means you have 0 interest on the event. Therefore you shouldnt be having access to the boss nor the spirits.

Of course the way Blizzard made it, was meant to be the new “Fel Reaver” of the zone but they should have taken into account the degeneracy of the player base and their need for abusing the game. Aka “just a clever use of the mechanics”, as the old saying goes.

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Us having access to the boss is a bad mistake on Blizzards part, but until they fix it there’s nothing ban worthy occurring.

We’ve done events where we had a full raid opted out and kill horde for the entire event

Aye, and that is why I’ll bring this to their attention so we can get an official response on their stance on this.

Now whether you get banned or not, is not up to me to say. Probably not, but as long as it gets within their radar that this is what’s happening, and what underlying issues are coming out of it. It’s possible at least it will get hotfixed, cuz thus far no one by the look of it ever posted about it anywhere.

Until now that is. Someone has to take the initiative for the greater good.

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Thats how exploits work, you abuse something that isnt intendend. However, blizzard doesnt even ban for botting and scripting so you should be pretty safe with redundant stuff like that.

You can’t say it isn’t intended, the boss has been killed, killing the boss is arguably worse than it being kited


Just because you can do something under the current set of technical limitiations doesnt mean you are given permission or implicit approval to do so.

Theres a fairly broad range of things that are intended and at the edge there is a smaller range at of things that are considered permissible. Wether or not this little game of yours falls into or outside of that range, depends on the scope of and intent behind the interaction.

Wether that ever translates into practical reality in the form of enforced TOS, I doubt perhaps just as much as you. One of these days I am due a pleasant suprise.

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The balls of people saying this isn’t breaking ToS, when it is clearly doing so is actually problematic. Too bad Blizz has no interest of banning trolls that break their ToS on the forums nor the actual game. There’s no excuse for ST6 to say they aren’t breaking ToS and they knowingly continue to do so, with no punishment to anyone in their guild whatsoever.

This is almost as bad as Blizzards inaction of a horde guild PMC PvE DRAAGONS on LF EU safespotting on roofs of Lakeshire/Menethil Harbor/Darkshire with priests/druids + hunters pet controlling Wind Serpents and kill people inside towns without any guards killing them back.

Blizzard simply doesn’t care to permaban people who obviously break the ToS in the slightest, but we ain’t allowed to point out the flaws in their ToS nor the players ACTIVELY doing it. This needs to be reflected on and proper action taken, the more people do it, the worse it becomes.


Cry is free. Sounds like they were having fun and weren’t breaking any rules. Bunch of sourpusses, mad because skill issue.


Seethe and Cope pleblords. Seal Team Six lives rent free in your head