In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Kor’gall in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
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I’d be interested to hear if anyone remembers Tyker/Norkov, a human warrior! Back in those days I used to be active on WoW-Radio as well. I remember guild hopping a bunch, and it was all so long ago that all my screenshots have disappeared on dead harddrives a at this point. Say hi if we’ve ever played!
My main was Geos (Human Paladin). Used to be in The Scarlet Knights.
Players i used to play with were Cepstrum, Staganov, Ajoryen.
Would love to have a nice get together …
Yes I was in The Scarlet Knights which was part of SCUM group of guilds. Would be good to get back together again.
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Was the GM for Widgets and Wizards most of the time. Hoping to see some of em back in classic. Roshji - Warrior. Btag Roshjieh#2447
I think I was playing on kor’gall at the time in vanilla. I was first part of a guild called T.J.P.F
And then I don’t remember what guild I joined after that.
I was a holy paladin named Alyssia. If people can remember me that would be awesome!
I was in that guild too. Eirigh human warrior and Nori, dwarf paladin. Used to play with Eldarion, human paladin and rl buddy at the time. I believe Eldarion was quite notorious 
Can’t remember what guild i was in. Divinity maybe? Goldengoose, George the ironforge spammer & botman the hunter. Playing on Shazz when vanilla releases regardless. What servers is everyone else going?
For those who were in the guilds of SCUM, Scarlet Knights, Castus Equites Simius, Uskoci and Myst. Our guild is still going strong on live servers, and we’re planning to make a guild on Shazzrah in Classic. Since we played alliance in vanilla, we’re going horde in Classic.
Feel free to add me on Discord or Battlenet if you want to find us!
Discord: Zargrim#3004
Battlenet: Drahkmar#2609
Yes I remember the SCUM , however ill stick with Alliance as the Horde are too ugly for me. I was in the Scarlet Knights at one point.
Originally from Burning Blade then moved to Girm Batol and finally Kor’Gall
Guilds that I have been in was Gryphon Aviators , Soulbound Heroes , Discharge
Evilmistress , Blademaster and a few others I cant remember the names but im sure it will come flooding back.
Sneaky …
Khagan …
Kitsune …
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Human paladin Lasaruz here, where in the guilds WnW Divine Embrace IMBA.
Also played a Nightelf rogue called Elanie
Perhaps it was… Wooden Chair? ;). You should have kept the identity of George unknown… did you manage to snag the George nick again from the reservations?
im not sure if this was my server from the start. but i started raiding with the guild omnes mortales sund. anyone familiar with this guild or guildleader rave?
Chractername: Ashura
Race: Night elf
Class: Warrior (prot till like half a year ago
Originally from Agamagan, our guild The Dark Elves, had some issues with clases due to race restrictions
(That guilds prime members were Jadon, Keita, Barrett and myself)
We invited other races/classes and changed our name to < M y s t >. After that server died and guilds started moving, we moved to Ko’Gall.
There we forged an alliance with Scarlet Knights, Castus Equites Simius and Uskoci and so creating S C U M.
Where the hell Brok at?!?!? 
Hey Geos! Long time no see!
Stag and Ajo are still here as well 
I think I remember you. T.J.P.F was The Judean Peoples Front or something?
Even think you joined us at a certain time. 
TJPG had female guild master right? i joined them at burning crusade.
Haha, i got it on another server but not the one i intended. I completely forgot that guild name, i think George was the only member. Nevermind, secret is out after 15 years!