In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Kor’gall in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
- Tziná (ran twinks: Takeshi & Awern later in mainly TBC) Troll female Shaman
- Trauma -> Oldliners -> Everlasting (later renamed as Lithium)
- Pwnrizer, Horvat, Rags, (and more Everlasting members I may have forgotten names of). Diexbeliefa(?) and Phobos from Trauma. Zch, the Undead PVP Warrior I ran BGs with together with my friend Immunization.
Appreciate the replies! I’m probably going to be on Shazzrah mainly.
Gaea, Undead Female, Rogue
Mainly played in Swedish Fighter, but was later a vore member and officer in the first lunch of
The north Swedish guys such as Platepriest, Zajferr and so on
Calipt, Decay - Tauren Shaman. Will anyone from Decay play Vanilla?
Just wanted to jump in and let you know that Zch does not play and has not been playing since TBC. 
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Not sure if I’m going to play, but here we go.
EoE, Undead Warlock
God… Looking for pretty much anyone from Transcendence and for all old R10-14 guys (Spirou, Soul and rest of the company)
I’ll definitely gonna play, was playing as Darkhoof shammy in Unknown
Hey Tzina,Rags here,I will play classic,add me ingame (Tomalus#2709 )
I also have realid of alot of old everlasting&lithium members
Rags,troll mage add me on bnet ( Tomalus#2709)
anyone who played in old guild during vanilla&tbc
@rags @fali , hey guys I used to play in Vanilla, as a Kailissan Tauren warrior i think the guild was called everlasting. After that, i think i rejoined for TBC as Drenus, orc, shaman in Lithium. (
Paulius#2828 )
me , kailissan tauren warrior
wonder if the old gang is still playing, pwnrizor etc. (you can add me
Paulius#2828 )
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Thinking about returning on a very casual level. Former member of Everlasting/Lithium.
Add me if you like: Morphea#2428
Hi all, ill prolly lvl up one or two so for old good wipe times (Vanilla/TBC ) 
- Artigon(Hunter), Ursuras(Druid), Proteas(Shaman), Crypta(Warlock), Kazra(Paladin) @ SuZa-u-oKu
Btag: Asasi#1511
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Tseirp (undead Priest, maybe you could guess seeing as the name of my char is priest backwards).
Looking for people from good old Cold Heart.
add me Dawkins#1244
Greetings fellow Kor’gall players
Amazing to see all these old names being thrown around! Transcendence, Everlasting, Decay… Oh the memories.
Well I played mostly as Sophiie back in vanilla but I’m probably most well known as Charlotte from Handle It from TBC onwards. Not looking for anyone in particular, just gonna be a blast seeing old names popping up!
Charles #1245
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Duke, Orc Warlock
Vorda, Xenon, Bokkle, Zch?
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Rotax Orc Warrior from Everlasting
Anyone knows if Bjobbe, Immunization, Pissed (or her brothers), Deathcreeper, Bighorn, Horvat, Glemoo, Crypto, Locomotion, Dazjin and all the others I can’t think of are comming back?
Also anyone know if Dotbot ally gnome lock is comming back?