Korracks Revenge

Can’t queue for for Korracks Revenge on any character on any realm. Even tried level 50 characters in groups. Get the same error message in chat. Failed to Join as Group. It’s strange that it hasn’t been brought up on blizzards twitter as it was released at 10 am GMT, and it’s now 3:15 pm

ctrl+c ctrl+v did not work. come back tomorrow

I have the same “Join as a group failed” problem

I can queue from Tarren Mill, but not from Sylvanas. I’ve tried with/without Chromie time, war-mode, different roles - haven’t found anything to set them apart.

It is however, not nearly as much fun as last year for leveling alts. The rolling xp is terrible and max-level, azerite pumped toons are also there, with 2-3 times the hp of levelers

Even if you quee, you’ll be unable to play. Welcome to lagfest.


was playing it just now, 1 bg it was fine, next bg it was a lagfest even while we was in the tunnel waiting , free to play games work better than this

Is there any info from Blizzard itself regarding what is going on and/or if they are looking into it?
I haven’t been able to queue yet and I’d like to be able to queue and farm the mount since today is my day off and all…

I wonder when we will get what we pay for?
Is there even any ONE epic battleground without lag?
Following the forum trend, we will not get any REAL answer from blizzard. Seems like they are here only to get our money but not to provide any support.

And before someone say: they will fix it, be patient and etc… I DO NOT WANT to be patient. We pay with our money, period.


If Korrak did the queues before his unfair dismissal from Blizz then he certainly got his revenge.

There is literally a much bigger thread about this, right below your thread.

In which there are a number of blue replies, the latest one being:

You could have found them by just scrolling down one thread.

You know, this is was the first one I saw, so it’s where I asked for info. I won’t be looking for any other if I already have one. If only people only created 1 thread for each topic, instead of several, it would make it easier for everybody.


Thanks for the reports everyone!

This has now been resolved and the event is available.

Apologies for the inconvenience!