Korrak's revenge, why can't we queue for it?

FYI no one is forcing you

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Little Blizz white knight.


no need to get mad, you know it’s true. if you dislike a game, don’t play it. it really is that simple. throwing money at your screen for sub and crying on the forums won’t make a difference. there are enough people who still like world of warcraft as it is.

It’s the same on the US, I’ve checked their forums to see when the event went live, same complaints. It’s not a matter of EU vs US. Their team is just focused on getting the new expansion finished and everything else has taken a back seat now.

Not mad, just don’t feel there’s a need for anyone to defend the shambles of crap they are pushing on people, yet idiots defend.

Don’t dislike the game, I dislike the publishers tbh and don’t worry I don’t pay for this.

Are you sure about that? less than 2m players left out of 12m.

Also, if you don’t complain about the games flaws do you truly love it? We complain because we care OKAY MISTER WHITE KNIGHT.

For example you are starting up a company and your first product will make or break you do you want to push something that’s broken for a quick buck only to have your name tarnished afterwards or do you want people to love your product and be loyal to you for years?

Stop accepting their crap and tell them they’re crap all they’ll give you crap!

Still broken :frowning:

Check my above post.

Yep I saw that too but there’s special people here who think it’s fine to be sold broken crap.

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It looks like they are overwhelmed. Adding bugged stuff after bugged stuff.

They changed the starting of the event and didn’t test if it works.

Still bugged for me. Can’t queue lmao.

Can’t even play the anniversary event, lmao blizt, keep the good work pepelaugh

Does blizz not test that content works before it goes live?

why would they, ppl still paying for the 6month tmog.

I pay for a working product at least. Now if the queue system was simple overloaded it do be a different problem but this is plainly not working and needs to be ffixed.

Like it or not.

You do not determine what costumers can and will complain about.

WTB a fix for the event !, clearly too much for blizzard to figure out.

Still not fixed? ^^;

Nope, broken still.

Back from work. Still broken? :disappointed_relieved:

we are the testers

4 more hours of work for me, and then I hope I’ll be able to play for a bit :crossed_fingers:


Cant que solo and cant que as a raid. This event is a mess.