Korrak's revenge, why can't we queue for it?

Today I back home from job and try join it. Still failed…

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Still broken.

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Well let’s hope this can get fixed before the event ends and doesn’t take as long as when people last year used to have issues with nvidia drivers.

They better extent it if they cant fix it in 5 days…

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Still not working.


i dont have that issue
both my paladin and hunter can solo queue
but my issues with korrak are queues and lag
but mostly lag

still cant queue also

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I also still keep getting “join as a group failed”.

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Same here do you have to be max level?


I tried on several characters, across several realms and managed to queue on a lowbie shaman on Steamwheedle Cartel. The expected time is 41 minutes :neutral_face:

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I have tried on max level and lowbie, in group and solo, horde and alliance, in WM and out of WM and still every time i get “join as a group has failed”.

Been also trying to spam button for ages to see if fluke gets me in queue but nope.

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no, just doesnt seem to be working for me personally on any level, either faction across multiple realms

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Yeah the same for me. Tried on alliance and horde different servers and still not working…

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Still can’t queue, amazing that they haven’t fixed it at this point, amazing, but can’t say I’m surprised, it’s a small indie company after all


multi million dollar of sucking monkey bawl?

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I didn’t play last year on the anniversary so i don’t have the mount. And now I can’t even enter to Korrak :-1:


Can you look into the log-in issue on retail atm? Noone can log in and the people online can’t log off either without alt+F4.

I have just gathered 40 patient players. All stood in stormwind’s mages tower, WM on WM off, Rejected from que.
Anniversary of failure.

A Tooltip of advice,. Have a bloody tooltip telling players how many to have in their raid.
Once in the raid getting everyone to WM on or off was straight forward, there are good people here.
Blizzard your taking the piss.

I have not and never will pay for 6 month sub. Yet here we are 16 an counting.
It does not matter what outfit you wave in my face to encourage me to buy something.

Why??? not because I’m a dwarfen tight fisted git but b/c I see OLD buggy content NEVER addressed.

I get the, ‘bring out the expansion, remove the old code and content’ routine, then an act like it never existed.
I am here to tell you blizzard. It exists; I see it, I hate it, we have to play through it while we pay you for it.

Harassment and bug reports never thanked for.
Always condescended over.
WTS posted in every possible avenue available. This is no longer a pleasurable game it is so filled with advertisements it acts like an analogue sponge of opportunist nonsensical juxtaposition that I have to fight my way through to find a group to enjoy the game.

Your customers service is lazy. Game Masters ‘never’ present and no power.

This has no place cropping up in an anniversary. now you have my ire! lol

It tells me you are Greedy, Avarice and yourselves Hubris. To use your own language of narrative.
Wholeheartedly a less simpatico experience.

Ps. End post.


Oh and for the record here is one you will really enjoy :D.
Take ya Ticktock mentality over ingame inventory bag space locks and exchange for mobile device privacy and stick it up the legion’s backside.

Do not get me started on plastic, ‘Fantastic’ warnings in our environments.

I saw no warning about contamination and corrupted blood when I purchased my first mobile device.

But hey! Now I got even more plastic about me.


Welcome to the Maw!

It’s not a matter of number of players, the queue is just bugged. I have gotten in on 3 characters by now, all solo. There are players that have been trying for as long as the event is up without success. Blizzard seems to be in no hurry to fix it :expressionless: