Korthia rares and mount drops

In 9.1 i was playing as a Venthyr, since 9.1.5 change came, i finished renown 80 as a night fae and kyrian, now working on necrolord. So i should be able to have access to all covenant’s cosmetics and mounts. But still, when im running around korthia as a necrolord and Popo spawns, i cannot get the mount to drop from him? I gotta ask WHY? What is developer’s idea how we should approach this?
Oh Popo spawned, so i have to go to Oribos to switch covenant for Kyrian and be back on time to kill Wild Worldcracker? Really? Is that supposed to be fun?

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Popo drops a mount?

Dere are mounts? Neva seen one…

Must be some useless recolours.

Who said it supposed to be fun though?

That’s why you play at least four characters: one for each covenant. Got all four mounts (yes, recolors indeed) a long time ago…
But you should also easily be able to get them on one char. Just do one at a time, they drop quite quickly… at least for me, one to four kills on the covenant rares. Simply fokus on one covenant and switch after you received the mount.


Got Lord of the Flies, and I believe the Kyrian colour. Good enough for me, that Lord of the Flies is a nice colour.

No you won’t be able to access that event or get the mount drop unless you are currently with that covenant.


Its a questreward you get as a kyrian

Yes, im aware of this solution. Im just saying, that its bullsh.t design. Since i have all covenants renown 80, why i still have to be kyrian to drop a mount from Kyrian encounter? Yes, i can switch covenants over again and do them one by one. My point is, that its stupid, annoying and completely unnecessary. Games should be fun. I totally understand that developers doesnt want to give players all the stuff immediately after launch. But i cannot think of any logical idea behind this decision. It’s just bad and annoying, nothing else.

Probably because the covenants weren’t designed with the intention to swap them at all, so the option now allows way more than was intended. Little details just weren’t adjusted.

No don’t think like that. Think; I’m going to change to ‘covenant A’ and farm ‘world boss A’.
Once you’ve killed it; you can change to something else.

Or… Do like I do; just spend a longer time in one covenant and farm that boss daily and hope you get the mount. Once you do; you can change around if that’s what you want.

I have farmed 2 of the mounts that way, but I’m not changing covenants just yet; there’s some other stuff I want to get first. I’m really not in a hurry with these.

Its a bit of a nuisance, yeah. Better use a lot of alts with different covenants.

Yeh it’s really annoying having to switch Covenants all the time, run into Korthia and check the quests for if the cosmetic is there and then run back to Oribos and switch it again… repeat. And then I have to go back to the Covenant to reset my Hearthstone.

I just don’t see why we can’t change Covenant in a rested area like the normal talent tree.

The monster he spawns does, but only for Kyrians.

Besides each covenant having a mount each that they can only obtain, the same is true for the Death’s Advance ‘On the offensive’ mount. Each covenant will see a different one.

I had to exalt 4 times with Death’s Advance with a character in each faction to get those extra four variations.

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Aren’t u supposed to be a kyrian to have a chance for the mount?

Why don’t you just switch covenant on 1 character. It’s what I did, far quicker.

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I had already gotten them before that was an option (being stuck for 2 weeks each time with annoying intermediate quests) wasn’t a situation I wanted :slight_smile:

Up side? I have 4x renown capped characters to grab whatever covenant locked mount drops 9.2 has to offer.

That is certainly a bonus :slight_smile:

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Well you are not current covenant are you .

You need to be necro to get mount which makes sense same with starting Popo if you are Kyrian etc with Venthyr and Night fae jus switch if you want these.

I do dailies on 3 covenants aka 3 chars and making 4th for mogs.

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The worst part was… the ‘on the offensive’ achievement wasn’t even account-wide to begin with.

And because it wasn’t, I did the achievement twice which was a grind. On my NF mage and Maldraxy warrior. That meant doing those maw assaults more often than I would like :frowning:

Thankfully the achievement went account wide by the time I was focusing on my 3rd and 4th character.

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