Same as here in US Forum:
The end boss is Buggy. He casts “Ground Slam”, slaming me once away and then disappearing, just to spawn again after about 10 seconds. Impossible to kill, I’ve done like 20 tries.
Also described here on wowhead:
I manage to get the last boss down around 80% of his health and boom he resets! Its annoying to say the least. Tried same as you at least 20 times but each time i get him less than half health he just disappears and is back at full health.
Hope they fix this.
Same issue here, doing my head in
Here is the solution!!!
He despawns when the candle is tossed from you… DO NOT PICK UP THE CANDLE!
Stand in the candles lights area while its still on the ground. He only despawns it seems when he uses ground slam and you are holding the candle. He despawns when you drop the candle. So if you dont pick up the candle, he wont despawn.
Just stand in the ring without picking it up and you should be fine.
I didn’t know about the candle method… I specially changed my telents to undead and with the help of Death Charge I managed to avoid the attacks and kill him. After 1.5 hours of torture I can go to sleep. I hope this will be fixed soon.
I only discovered it by chance when ground slam didnt make him despawn after I forgot to pick it up off the ground
Bug still ongoing for this one, managed to figure it out by running around the pillar in the centre of the room, it breaks LOS, got a good few hits in each time before he cast the ground slam.
Tier 3 on a frost DK. Hope this helps <3
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