Kul Tiran class?

I just unlocked all Allied races (took a while esp KT, Ztroll and nightborne) and the last one i did was Kul Tiras humans. So in gonna make my first one and probably will take him a long run!
But what class do you guys think fits them lorewise and racials and looks.? I know they are not so popular but i must say i like them just cant choose my class.

Not sure if it’s available, but considering they are all pirates, outlaw rogue seems obvious.

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I love how kul’tiran druid forms look. The chicken form for kul’tirans is true nightmare fuel.


Rogue (pirates), Frost Mage (tidesage) or Druid (Drust forms)


Outlaw rogue
Marksman Hunter with a gun/crossbow
Shaman (tidesage)
Druid (Thornspeaker)

To me these are their most suitable classes. A death Knight KT makes some sense though as KT were active during the third war.

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I have a Kul Tiran mage and druid. Since you already have a mage, I’d go for druid.

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I try to make my toons based on a bit of “lore” (what fits the race rather than hardcore lore) and looks in transmog.

I went warrior for my Kul Tiran - Plate on a bigger dude. Furiously charging onto another ship to take control. Seems to work, i think more than outlaw rogue for the “swashbuckler” style if playing fury

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I went for Priest and Hunter for my female and male Kul Tiran. Seemed fitting with what we see around the zones.

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I’d say Resto Shaman, Frost Mage (both because of the nautical theme) or Outlaw Rogue (pirate!)

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Outlaw Rogue! Pirates everywhere, duh.


balance druid with glyph of stars
and oh fire kitty cat form in barbershop

Kul’Tiran Druids are the best Druids.

Why on earth would you go Glyph of Stars as a Kul’Tiran Druid, yuk!

But Outlaw Rogue is probably the most fitting. They’re pirates.

Maybe BM Monk, as they remind me of pub goers in the UK, drinking lots of Ale.

And of course Warriors always make sense. Me swing Axe!

to show off the heritage armor
but i get your point the drust forms are so cool

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They have a bunch of “Tide sage”, so resto/elemental shaman sounds nice.

Warrior or outlaw rogue also works.

Or Druid if you wanna be a drust :smiley:

U gotta have those sweet undead drood forms so go for that !


I created one of each, hunter-druid-rogue and will test them all a few levels to see who i like the mostđź‘ŤThanx for the answers!

Well, not really. While they’re supposed to be Shamans, Tide Sage armor is actually Cloth, not Mail.

The heritage armour is really nice for KT.

yes but if you mog it on balance druid and not use glyph of stars
you and others dont see it
also theres the issue with that in doorways lol

The problem with being druid tbh. Or perk, you never need a mog :rofl: