So I was looking and making a Kul Tiran character , but they all look the same .
It feels like the race with the least customization options .
Their faces look like they all have the same mother and father and there is no option to change their body shape at all .
So I was thinking how a not thick Kul Tiran would look like and figured they would probably look a lot like the Vrykul .
So here is an idea . How about allowing Vrykul body shape as a customization for Kul Tiran ? The best part is , that there is already a female and male model as well .
There are also these skinny fellows in Boralus , which are also Kul Tiran .
Would be great to actually have a race which has different types of a body structure .
There is a possibility We might get Vrykul as allied race in The Last Titan, which would be awesome but we will see.
Well if not I have given suggestion over the years to give Kultirans Rexxars body/Six pack as Rexxar is build after Kultiran and has the same animations. And give Kultirans Vrykul Customizations like hairstyles and beard, warpaint/tattoos and Drust customizations. And its in the name Vry-kul = Kul-tirans. Both are Seafaring people but I think Vrykuls would be more interesting as playable so Im hoping we get Vrykul in The Last Titan. Northrend which is the Vrykuls ancient homeland. Yes they are half-giants but so was the Tauren until wow Vanilla were Blizzard made them shorter so they could fit through a door. The toy that makes you into a vrykul is the perfect size for playable Vrykul. still taller than other races and fit through a door.
For the Kultiran female I given suggestion for the Shadowlands Maldraxxus Female from the house of chosen, which Im sure is based of female Kultiran.
And Both Kultiran Male and Female is based of Diablo 3 Male and Female Barbarian.
As for the Skinny Kultirans, well…I think they are too skinny. Would have liked to have a thinner Human too, for our human rogue and mage with something lik the Defias Shadowguard model. Which the Forsaken Male have that model and animations (But the only diffrent is that the Shadowguard has a straight back and a little more meat around the waist). Yeah the Skinny Kultirans are based of female Forsaken. I like the animations for the skinny Kultirans as a rogue but the model is just too skinny. Defias Shadowguard is something I always wanted to play in wow since wow vanilla. If we get that kind of Human I would race change my main as My mains are always a Human Rogue/Theif/Assassin in most games and second is a Barbarian Warrior.
Yeah bsides the facial hair they pretty much all look the same sadly. But kulthirans are not the only ones wich need customisation. Human males are unable to grow proper beards for example.
And long flowing hair also doesnt seem to exist for most races
I totally agree, this has been a pet peeve of mine ever since I unlocked Kul Tiran. There are plenty Kul Tiran npc’s who aren’t thick, like Flynn, Taelia, Lucille Waycrest to name a few. And Venrik f.i. (innkeeper in Freehold) is downright skinny. I really hope they will add more custiomization options in the future.
I kinda agree with you on most stuff , but not on the part that the Maldraxxus Female is based on Kul Tirans .
It looks like more based on the Orc model , just enlarged .
Plus I think the Vrykul female looks closer to the Kul Tiran female , specially in the chest area . The above variants you linked are way to muscular for the motherly Kul Tiran . Though it would be fun to also have that kind of body build too .
Yeah that’s what I’ve been saying for the past few years. Instead of inventing new races like fox people how about add more variations to existing ones. For example the forsaken and the humans can trade models. The skinny kultiran is one example, they use the undead female skeleton. That’s what people want, more options. Not stone dwarves.
Well the Large Kultirans could have been the answer of Vrykul Barbarian race. Taller than Stormwind humans. Been a mix of both Human and Vrykul or the Azotha race. With the suggestions I mentioned above. Make them have the same theme like the Diablo Barbarians and with Drust or Vrykul Culture were they still have the humans old culture before they discovered the Light. Ulfar as their leader or something but that´s not what Blizzard did/wrote and the Kultirans are just tall/large regular humans. But before BFA all Kultirans were no diffrent than Stormwind Humans. Kultirans and Vrykul are both Seafaring people so Blizzard could have made a faction of the Large Kultirans living in the old Barbarian ways like they were few thousand years ago. With ancient Vrykul structures.
No it is a Kuitran Female, she just not overweight and is instead more muscluar and also have same animations, just like Rexxar have same animations as Male Kultiran.
Click on the “View in 3D” button. Rexxar laugh animation he is holding his hands on his belly just like the Kultiran male but for rexxar its just air between his belly and his hands while Male Kultiran has his hands wrapped around his belly.
Look at the stance of the Maldraxxus Female Warrior and the female Kultiran.
Female Barbarian she looks identical just her stance is at the side and female Kultiran is at the front.
Same here click on the “View in 3D”. Recognize any animations there? from the female Kultiran.
Although the female orc have the same stance as Diablo 3 female barbarian, just the opposite side
So in other words Blizzard already have models of buffed Male and female Kultiran with both having six pack belly. And return the Horde have models for Mok’nathal Male and Female.
The Arathi we going to meet in War within were Barbarians when they left EK 1000 years ago but has evolved following the Light so in other words they followed the same path as the people of Lordaeron and Stormwind but maybe slightly diffrent as they follow the Holy Flame.
But if we are getting Vrykul in the Last Titan which has always been Barbarians, have establish lore and history of wow and connections to the Titans and the Titan keepers and the Titan watchers. And the Vrykuls gods are the Titan keepers.