Kul Tiran gnome?

I want my gnome character to be from Kul Tiras. I love the continent, it’s culture and people, and I made up a backstory about him being raised there by his gnomish parents, a tinkerer and a fisherman. Is it possible that he can be from Kul Tiras, or does all gnomes have to come from Gnomeregan or Ironforge? And if yes, would he speak with a kul tiran accent or a normal gnomish one? Need some help with these questions :grin:

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I have a Gnome rogue that was sent to Kul Tiras after the Second War when her parents died to live with her traveling uncle. I don’t think there’s any problem with having a Gnome being born there either. As for dialect, I’d say it depends more of the individual and the people it surrounds itself with, as in real life, people get in to new dialect with different ease, but if the Gnome is born and raised and probably spent most time in Kul TIras I’d say it would be likely it had a Kul Tiran accent.
There’s also pirates that’s been sailing around the waters and we know at least one crew have Gnomes.


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