Daggers can be tucked away, the fist weapons just fall off temporarily we have to go pick them back up after you just never see it, staffs/pole arms just sit amongst all the fur and get that annoying itch when we need it.
Swords…yeah uncomfortable.
Daggers can be tucked away, the fist weapons just fall off temporarily we have to go pick them back up after you just never see it, staffs/pole arms just sit amongst all the fur and get that annoying itch when we need it.
Swords…yeah uncomfortable.
I was always curious about fistweapons. After useing them where do they go. But it is so simple we just drop them haha
Swords for shamans would be like a dream come true for me.
It would go a very long way to cement a battle mage feel for most Alliance shamans.
No just no Shamans have never ever used swords in any shape or form in any game .
You give shamans swords you have to give priest swords and fist weapons and the ability to use polearms aswell .
You see the slippery slope you start giving in to 15 years of lore .
You want a mage play a mage .
^^ This.
One has to be able to use something in order to qualify to be able to transmog it.
i am so sorry i haven’t been here for a while i thought you got yourself a hobby or maybe got suspended for trolling, if so you didn’t learn your lesson. well some people never do hahaha. in any case i truly don’t care about what you say or do or believe. because calling people trolls while your trolling isn’t worth my time.
you say i mass upvote myself but you also say only 2 people did, how is that mass? so if 2 me’s did report you what happened too the other me’s. sorry i get confused
oh and btw this week i met someone who has the same amount of mounts as me, we still play together. So could that really be me but from a diffrent time or universe?
But kul Tiran shamans aren’t pirates… They’re the opposite
Next is troll pala… Oh wait
Apart from daggers, Fist of Fate (MoP) and its recolors are as close as we can get:
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