Kul Tiran worth it

Since moving from Horde to Alliance, just to enjoy the story,
There is one question on my mind…

Is the Kul Tiran race worth it for a Shaman?
In general i dislike huge classes, as they feel slow and lumpy.
But despite its size the Kul Tirans seem to feel more agile?
So how do the animations of the kul tiran shaman actually feel?

Some player input is highly appreciated.
On top of that Haymaker seems like a fun active ability.

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Unless you wanna tank i would not reccomend kul tirans for anything

Although [Brush it off] gives the healers a better time & increases your survival so its not useless, but better options racial wise

Visually wise … i havent noticed many liking them tbh

Thats what i read between the lines when i look at the numbers. To be visually interesting for most people they should have been medium sized up to 7 foot for the males…

Which brings me to my personal problem with Shaman on alliance side. There are no medium sized classes that can become shaman. Dwarfs are to short for my liking the others are to big or bulky. (And i dont play female chars)

Kul’tirans are performing really well DPS wise on most specs, so number-wise they are fine. Having a bit more survivability is a good thing to have. Animations and aesthetics are another matter though.

Sadly OP I do not have Kul’tirans unlocked yet, so I cannot give you info on how they feel like. If there is something that puts people off from Kul’tirans is the fact that a lot of transmog does not look good on them. I am unsure of their animations.

Pretty much same, i just posted feedback from what i’ve seen from most of em

Kul tiran shamans do look good, in quite a few transmogs.
Haymaker has it’s uses in pvp and Pve both for knock back effect and stun, especially seeing how we have Cap totem as our only stun.
Animations are sound, suit Kul tirans very well.
You have the added benefit of being a rare class/race combo.
I have a tauren shaman too, (Alaku) might of seen him on a few posts. I find tauren’s to be too big at times, but kul tirans are a good sort of big.
I am always on the edge to maining a kul tiran one, but I really do love the pandaren race as well aha.


Thanks for the reply…

Good to hear its movement feels better then Tauren…
But on the other hand, even male panda feels a little sluggish to me

I guess i have to invest my time somewhere anyhow…
So i might as well go for it…

The wildhammer warpaint is coming in SL, will probably make dwarf shamans to most badass shaman out there.

Dwarf is always a safe bet.

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from racials I feel KT are not exactly good.
Good on paper, but in reality it is barely noticeable.
I though brush off would do a little more, but I cannot even feel it at all and the knock back has a cast time which makes it really clunky.
As melee the knock back is super annoying as it pushed the enemy out of your melee range and as ele or resto casting it really sucks and at least in pve you almost never use it

Thats why i am mostly interested in how the annimations feel.
I am not as much a min/maxer as most inhere…

Excuse me, but the haymaker is the perfect tool for womping people off cliffs when your class is the yellow one.

Shamans can get double pushback.


i am not a min max person either…
transmogs look not good though, animations are fine even though sprint looks very weird. Looks like a meatball

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