Kyrian cov PTR

What are your expressions of it? 20% buff enough to compete with Venthyr for frost in PVP? Which one is easier to get burst damage? Pelagos soulbind looks thick with the damage amp on cov ability 30 sec cd, since poly dr makes it feel like you can basically freecast it on cd.

I use Kyrian and it goes really cool with Glacial Spike or with 2 deepshattered frostbolts under Ice Form. Somewhat 30k crits for GS and around 15-17k on frostbolts.

But compared to venthyr it underperforms heavily, of course.

So, regarding this “buff” – it is ridiculous. It doesn’t buff the damage amplifier debuff! Only the useless initial damage of the spell and the dot. Which does around 2k on live. Ao on PTR it should be around 2.4k.

S++ balancing, as always.

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