Kyrian DH in Torghast (Buglist)

In Torghast the following spells are bugged or simply dosent do/work how they’re written out to be:

Mask of the Winged Dominator - You should get healed 20% of the damage Elyssian Decree does, but you don’t

Sacrificial Soul-Ash - Should increase the damage for Elyssian Decree by up to 300% while it’s on cooldown, but it does not.

Searing Deathbrand - Should increase the damage of Elyssian Decree by 40%, but it does not.

Finely-Honed Bone Blades does increase the damage of Blade Dance and Sigil of Flame as the tooltip states, but for some reason Elysian Decree is also affected by the 50% increased damage.

These are the ones I’ve been experiencing the past 1½ months now, hopefully we will soon see a fix since well… Being a Kyrian DH where 50% of your Kyrian ability does not work, feels pretty bad honestly.

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Yes please and Update on this…

Anoying to pick a buff that should give 300% damage increase and it just do 0…

and Hey. dont tell them about Finely Honed Bone Blades xD

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