L / R Modifiers?

Hi, I am looking to make use of left and right variants of modifiers. I thought that they were only no longer distinguishable in keybindings, but seems to be the case for me that they are not distinguishable in macros either. Anybody knows? Macro I am using Hits focus target when lshift is pressed, not only rshift.

#showtooltip Repentance
/cast [mod:rshift,@focus][@arena2] Repentance

Confirmed it appears bugged.

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Darn… I suppose for my situation, I can just opt to use either focus or arena123 macros for x spell, but not both (it would’ve been quite handy otherwise though). However, I like using modifiers not just for the simple purpose of having more keybinds, but also to organise the use cases for each of the modifiers. Like, I don’t really want to be using different modifiers (that are available) for focus macros, at first thought. It just confuses me. But meh, not a major issue.

You can combine modifiers if you need more: mod:ctrlshift, mod:shiftalt, mod:ctrlalt, mod:ctrlshiftalt

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Sorry for the late reply. Thank you for your suggestion. I thought about it and it works :slight_smile: Thank you very much.

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