<Lack of Foundation> Recruiting for Season 4 and beyond!

Hello there, adventurers, stay awhile and listen…

Lack of Foundation is made up of people from several walks of life. After bouncing between guilds, we thought we would carve out our own little corner of Azeroth and see where the winds take us. Our main goal is just to push through Mythic+ with world PvP and the odd pugged raid sprinkled in. The main goal is to build a relaxed atmosphere and enjoy the road.

We try and stay active on discord both voice and chat as well as jumping on various games when fancying something new. There should be something for everyone here and if there isn’t just ask!


A little history on us…

The bulk of our group came together during Legion and have added to our merry band through the expansions. Usually aiming and achieving AOTC as a minimum and staying in touch on other games in between content droughts. Over the years the one constant has been in enjoying the game together as a first and working out the details later. So long as we are together and having fun, we tend to overcome anything. Albeit with a lot of shenanigans and booze.

Raiding Info.

As we start to fill out our roster, we know the topic of raiding will inevitably come up.
With that in mind as mentioned our general goal is to get a good grip on heroic clears before considering Mythic. In any case we work to maintain an atmosphere that is chilled and friendly with no place for elitism and toxicity. We expect everyone to be self sufficient, the guild is there to support but never carry. Some examples would be to always be up to date with and bring:
• Flasks, Combat Potions, Health Potions, etc
• Maintain a healthy attendance
• Be informed and research your own class. We keep links to WoWhead guides/Class discords for all.
• All raiders are expected to be on discord and willing to speak during raid being mindful of the raid leader and rules.
• Deadly Boss Mods/Big Wigs/Other boss mods or weakauras
• Method Raid Tools
• Weakauras

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Kedrych#6101 on Discord.
We look forward to hearing from you.

Nice atmosphere here, been one of the long lasting members since Legion. We’ve become friends that also play games outside of wow. Loads of shenanigans with eachother as well.

While having fun we always managed to get good progression in at least heroic raiding as well.

Small shenanigan example:
We’ve got this weird thing going on that if we get the the chance to kill eachother (one of us gets MC"d by something, or turns up as a hordie char in our team) for no reason, its just happening. Still don’t know why, but hey, its gotta happen!

Hi there, I am looking to potentially get back into raiding. Long time player with every character max level, with some more geared than others currently.

What are the raids days/times likely to be?

Hey there Razzok,

So as a general rule we have always raided two days a week for progression for about three hours a night.
No set raid schedule right now as it is still early days and putting together a team.

Would be happy to chat with you more on discord if you have any more questions or conundrums.

I can confirm that there are only friendly badgers in this guild!

No Limitations!

Been with the guild for a month, it’s been fun, active discord and regular m+ runs for now.
Everyone is chill, so come join

Been in this guild for about a month now and theres truly an active bunch of people and plenty of M+ runs to join! Good fun!

After an ad hoc fun run in Heroic Sepulcher the guild is now 7/11 after one raid night!
Excited for what we will achieve going into Season four and dragonflight!!!

We got Anduin down last Sunday :slight_smile: Loads of fun! So we are now 8/11 HC. We also have established raid nights at wednesday and sunday 20:00 - 23:00 server time.

Hi would you still be looking for dps

Hey, I’m looking to get back into WoW but the old group of people I used to game with have disbanded, gotten kids and generally other priorities :slight_smile:

So I’m currently browsing around to see if there’s a guild i can setup in to get some raiding and dungeon runs going with some fun people, any chance we could grap a quick chat on discord or battle.net? :slight_smile:

Hey there, thanks for getting in touch! Sure always happy to chat you can reach me on Discord here Kedrych#6101 :slight_smile: Looking forward to it

Update: We now also feature yeeting the GM off ledges in raids!

And that’s AOTC! Really good effort and congratulations to all our raiders! It doesn’t stop us from recruiting though! More exciting things to come and re-clearing until S4 to get as many guildies through as we can :smiley:

In this guild we have lots of fun and everyone gets along very well.
Especially our GM is a great guy.

I am saying of my own free will and I am in no way forced to type this by said GM.

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