Lack of Null Stones issue

Started the expansion today, at the first chance I got I learnt TWW Blacksmithing and Mining, I can make two things from the off, one is “Core Alloy” a crafting material for items the other is the Ironclaw Weightstone which require a “Null Stone”.
So far in mining over 40 nodes I have found no Null stones at all, so I thought I would check the Auction House, it lists over 8000 Null stones, average price of 3700+ gold per stone.
So my ability to level my profession at the most basic items relies on random chance or spending a shed ton of gold in the AH.
Quite frankly this is a little bit disappointing to say the least and at this rate I think I’ll be at max level before even making a handful of items that will all be useless.


There are lots of other things to craft that don’t require null stones. Talk to the trainer, disable view filters on the crafting window. You’re doing something wrong or don’t understand how levelling up works.

Level 1-20

Right out the gate you want to focus on making Core Alloys until you reach level 14.

If you want to grab 2 knowledge points you can craft 1 Ironclaw Weightstone and 1 Ironclaw Whetstone before you reach 14, instead of 2 Core Alloys. However, these both use rare materials which are likely to be expensive early on, and it might be wiser to wait to gain those knowledge points later.

Once you reach level 14, you can learn a few new recipes at the profession trainer. The Four new recipes to learn are the following:

  1. Dredger’s Plate Sabatons
  2. Dredger’s Plate Breastplate
  3. Coreforged Repair Hammer
  4. Proficient Pickaxe

Yeah, its a disgrace. I’ve leveled my miner to 100. I literally mined hundreds and hundreds of mines since early access. I got 3 null stones now… And also, I’m assa rogue. The weightstone recipe you just get on your blacksmith but the whetstone recipe is burried under 80 skill points which is going to take weeks to get.

This expansion is a disaster of imbalance and unfinished bull¤%&.


I don’t think tha method site is correct. On my blacksmith, I can get ironclaw weightstone really early, but the whetstone requires '‘Means of production - weapon stone’ which is 80 points down the tree… o0. Doenst make any sense.

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I have 1 from farming them endless

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It is correct in terms of how you can level up. There is no ‘I need null stones’ to level nonsense.

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Oh I understand that, making the Core Ally moves you beyond any requirement to make the Weightstone, it just seems very odd that one of the very first things you can make require and expensive AH investment or hours of mining and some good luck to get a required material.
But just like that the Weightstone is surpassed as a thing to make to help level up your tradeskill and is consigned to a thing only to be made for a “first craft” bonus.

Yeah, it shouldn’t be unlocked or it shouldn’t use a nullstone.

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