Lack of Race Physical Appereance Option Variety

I don’t know if there is a specific place for this kind of feedback, but this is a bleeding wound for me for a while now.

Night Elves:

  • Please increase the hair quality and variance for night elves.
  • Also please increase options to choose more night elf faces and face shapes with more detail, and less worn out designs for them on males.
  • Change the orangutan-yeti like body ratio of the male model. (Wide shoulders and thin and long core body length, agh!) I don’t know if it’s a liked feature. Because it feels hideous especially when you use a plate armor and if you aren’t a druid.

Draenei, Tauren and their Allied Race variants:

  • Please add an option to remove appendages like tendrils and tails etc. completely. Long, short, thick and thin isn’t a good enough option if you don’t like them.
  • Maybe a more humanoid option to races with hooves. Actual feet and leg design that will suit the rest of the race’s design for people who actually like boot transmogs.
  • More face options for Draenei.


  • Face options that doesn’t just change the fur pattern, that actually gives more characteristic detail to the race’s face.

These are the ones that are off the top of my head. If this isn’t just a technical fb forum, I’d like these to be considered as well. Or I’d like to send this to the appropriate forum if this isn’t the place.

If this isn’t a problem, I’d like other beta testers to type up their own feedback about race designs, what bothers them, what options they like, whole she-bang.

And when you are stating your opinion, don’t poo all over the other people or mine, remember, we will be asking for extra options here, not replacements for what already exists.


I like most of your ideas except the NE one. I agree with it, but people shouldn’t have their body proportions changed on them. Create a new body shape.

I don’t like the Draenei idea of making them not have hooves and horns and tendrils and tails etc. That’s core to their identity.

While they’re at it, FIX THAT BLOODY NECK SEAM!!

It’s amazing to me - they’ve developed like 35 content patches since that bug was introduced. How is this even remotely possible?

Night elf model has always been very good but it must be admitted that the arms are too long and on the nightborne who that look even worse

As I stated, I only want extra options added to what already exists, body shape or tendril etc, poeople can have them or not, you can imagine tendrils and tails chopped off in war etc. We have scars as appearance option why not no tails and tendrils etc. ?

I get that hooves might be one of their core features, but since this is a fantasy and magic world that doesn’t limit possibilities, we can push the envelope a little bit for our liking in my opinion. We have Undead Priests that use holy light, why not this ? :slight_smile:

For Night Elves, I would really love to create a male Nelf, but the moment I think about it, I get disgusted and forgo doing it, so again, I only ask to have some option to alter the body more aesthetically. Not to take away anything that is loved by others. Sliders for shorter or longer core-torso ratio, maybe a tinsy bit shorter arms.

Oh, sure! That’s be awesome!

Because there is a story behind those things, whereas this idea is basically just introducing birth defects.

A Draenei born without hooves is like a human born with the legs and feet of a cat. It just doesn’t happen, and no Draenei would want it, and there is no possible story to how they got it. It makes absolutely no sense.

Sliders are a common request, but they’re rather hard to make.

Draenei male deffinetly need some longer tails as now they only have short and medium (dont know who have that “bright” idea to call it long), and whole race could get some scars, tattos, trinets and new faces.

Just No, that would not be a good change. Blizz should just do better in making boots for hooves and paws instead to go for lazy option.

For now who needs something new in character customization the most are Kul Tirans, and that isnt even for a debate.