Lack of trust in blizzard

This has been the official policy since WoD. And the OP is referring to TWW specifically.
I’m not sure what they mean either, so hopefully there’ll be some examples.

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I “need” tokens mainly because I Cba farming gold. I’m using enchanting this expac but I don’t farm it enough to make lots of gold.

OP reminds me of the interviewees I get during recruitment, the kind that talk about their attention to detail but appear dumbfounded when I ask “Okay, which floor are we on?”


As my Maths teacher use to always say, you have to show your working.

i would remove wow token immediately if I had to decide.

I am guessing it’s about dragon racing gold from DF.

well many people bought the cash shop mount with tokens so i dont see how the goose has died .infact the goose has evolved into cow and is giving alot of milk aka cash to blizzard in the process

if you were ceo of blizzard you will most definitely keep the tokens .

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The only real fix is to remove gold or any tradable currency all together. Remix had no AH or tradable currency. The difference in the playstyle was eye opening. To me the gold system has broken the game, and the will of the developers to be considerate to the community. Everything in the game is pointing towards spending gold now. And yet all gold earning potential has been reduced. When the developer has jumped on the bandwagon of gouging their own punters then the battle is lost.

None of which will ever be recognised by Bli££. After the Last M+ changes, that were announced for season 2, it is very evident that they do not listen to this forum’s opinion at all. I even changed my shortcut to this forum to the name “stoney ground”. Just to remind myself that any opinions I post will always just stop within the community.


Blizzard will never remove gold for some reasons. I am sure you know what I am talking about! :point_left:

And you would have my support for the removal of the token, I am no fan of it either.

But I am a fan of the gatekeeping of a monthly price.

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When you put it like that, one has to question why on earth you would be in favor of it?

I’ve seen things…
dark horrible things your shadows cannot even touch…
on f2p mmo servers…

tldr; I don’t enjoy the f2p mmo crowds, kind of elitist I know.

What do you see in those games that you don’t see here, specifically?

Larger amounts of griefing, often fueled by p2w mechanics that are much more aggrevious then the wow token buying boosts cause unlike many of the f2p mmo’s, the best gear in wow you still need to get from the content it drops from, for a lot of the f2p mmo’s I’ve seen, IRL money is the way to access the best gear through somesort of slot machine mechanic which has no challange from actual ingame acquired gear.

The game being extremely grindy, only to then sell gold, exp and other types of boosts to you at a premium to remove the grindyness for x amount of hours (the timer ticks when you’re offline too)

I do have a single arguement that doesn’t come from an F2P MMO tho, and that’s simply that blizzard will give us even less content if we remove a large portion of guaranteed income (the sub is guaranteed monthly income, the token is not)

There’s more reasons but to me this is enough to make me not want to touch a F2P MMO or have a paygated MMO I play turn F2P

I would say that World of Warcraft is largely the same package of game design as any free-to-play game you’re trying to describe. What’s perhaps different is the subjective appreciation of how different games present themselves.

I also don’t think the content development for World of Warcraft is proportional to the subscription cost, because then it should have always remained the same, but it hasn’t. If anything, it is more tied to the revenue potential of said content development. And that revenue can come from various streams, it does not have to be a monthly subscription.

Regardless, I was mostly curious since you referred to it as gatekeeping, which is a negative term in itself, and you praised it as a good thing. That seemed weird.

True, but the subs are still a part of the revenue
Not everyone who plays wow is buying a token every month but everyone playing wow is paying the subfee every month, I doubt it is a negligable portion of WoW’s revenue.

As for the gatekeeping, It depends on what you’re gatekeeping and with what purpose, it mostly means to prevent access but its the purpose and the method that makes it a good thing or bad thing.

If there’s a hazard zone that gets walled off and a sign put up with DO NOT ENTER that’s technically gatekeeping too, but a type that is beneficial to your own health.

So it’s more that gatekeeping is a tool and what you use it for is what makes it good or bad. The reason I call it good is because I agree with the outcome of the gatekeeping, basically.

Of course. My point being that a customer has however much disposable income they have, which is what Blizzard can try to get. How they try to get it is a question of business model. And whilst it can be said that the monthly subscription ensures Blizzard a stable source of revenue from its customers, the same monthly subscription probably also turns away potential new customers because it’s a barrier to entry.
And I would question whether Blizzard’s business model is the most profitable today, compared to one that relies on a much larger customer base with a lower barrier to entry. Certainly looking at the industry at large, the latter seems to generate a heck of a lot more revenue.

Of course. Kind of elitist, as you say, but of course.

This isn´t entirely correct… I sold legendary gems for 5g/ each to other players, as both were freely tradeable, and came out of remix with 98k gold in my bags :wink:

98k, er yeah riiiiight.
So you found buyers for and sold 19,500 gems over the 94 days that remix was active. I work that out at around 210 per day.

No, not entirely I got 35-40k or so of it “organically” from doing all of the quests and all dailies and raids every day, loremaster alone was almost 20k, and in the first 4-5 weeks the gems were still going for 10 each.

But yes it was easily 100+ gems /day on average, people are just lazy and didn´t want to grind them out, or some were sticking them on alts or giving them to guildmates… and since I didn´t need them or the bronze anymore after a realatively short time I just converted all my bronze into gems and sold them for what I could get for them.

You may doubt it, but I didn’t get multiple chars to goldcap by being lazy and not taking every chance available to earn gold :wink: