Lack of trust in blizzard

Why are blizzard so hellbent on removing content in the war within . almost daily it seems something else we have known to be in wow for years is removed for no good reason , and i for one am not pleased with there chopping of content with no good reason than to limit the gold making for players , their thinking is this will make them buy more tokens ,well i have news for them it certainly wont , they have killed the goose that laid the golden eggs with their greed for dollar bills , time has come to vote with our wallets and unsub till they see sence and reduce the subs prices to reflect on what has been removed from wow in the last few years and the rubbish content that has replaced it . i made the mistake of paying a year in advance for the war within as at launch it looked great and played great but that has all been changed by the men in suits , surely things cant get any worse can they ,lets hope not .

  1. Please, no offense to you lad, but do you mind using paragraphs? It’s really difficult to read.

  2. What is being removed exactly and on a daily basis?


I think “fun” is being removed since it is illegal, and you should be prosecuted for having said “fun” :policeman:

Well, I guess people come here to vent their frustrations so it often does sound negative.

The thing is, these discussions never have a beginning or an end. It’s like a vicious circle. Some enjoy the game, some don’t.

It would be useful if he was at least more specific in his grievances.


Could you give examples? This is just a generic rant thats also in the running for the worlds longest sentence.


I echo the other posters that you should be more specific about the complaint to discuss.

You really don’t need to think that you need to buy tokens to play this game. There are plenty things to do that doesn’t cost anything and many ways to earn some gold.

Does that mean with the inverse reasoning that if they add/replace more content they should raise the sub price as well or to compensate for inflation?


How about giving examples?


Aren’t we getting like half of content of what Each expansion like classic- Tbc~Wotlk and perhaps cata offered ??

I mean i’m paying for 8 dungeons for a whole expansion with 3 or 4 bosses that you can complete in 10 minutes ( m+ is about 20-25 minutes…)

Or 3 raids for an expansion with 8 bosses and nothing else ??

Or the amazing dailies …kill 10 x …and re kill 10 x …and fly for 1 minutes to earn 30 resonance and 100 gold :smiley:

What WoW offer right now you can find in free mmos and they put more effort .


Is there some phone auto correct feature or something that makes all . , end separately with a space between the word they end or is someone pressing space intentionally after word to put dot separately? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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What are you talking about? :smiley:
I didn’t notice anything removed lately from the game


From the complaint about gold making I am going to take a wild stab here and say "

  1. WQ gold rewards reduced
  2. Mission tables removed
    3. convoluted crafting system making twice as difficult to sell wares.

By point 3 - I mean in the past craft load onto AH and go play. Now its stand and spam trade channel for hours in the hope of catching a craft or two.


Why is pressing enter after a dot so hard for people?

Just paragraphs, makes it s lot easier to read

I dont know what you think they removed.
Im sure ill find out though as iam about to start a from scratch playthrough doing all quests in all xpacs in the order they released on a brand new pally.

Why i hear ppl asking ??

Its because ive never done this before, utilising chromie time i will lock my xp at lvl 68 until i finish dragonflights quests.

I will then run a few dungs from a chosen xpac and then after those finally head into warwithin.

Im talking every start zone and then every zone on ever map in all xpacs.

I may include daily hubs as there is now no longer any limit of repeatable quests.

As for reputations i can farm those at lvl 80 as well as the raids as theyre going to be undoable until i hit lvl 70 and leave chromie time.

As it currently stands my paladin is lvl 38 each quest is worth roughly 10g so as i lvl they will in no doubt become worth even more.

The gold i earn is to stay on my chosen character so i can determine if its worth doing this more than one from a gold farming perspective.

So far im on 5k gold and ive only done the dranei starter zone and a few dungs to assist with my lvls.

What exactly
remove then?

unsub? hell no.

Less of a case of content removed and more of changing.

Indeed, we have far less dungeons and raids, but that’s cause Blizzard is trying to shift towards a more casual/daily friendly content which you can see with attempts such as Torghast, the digs in DF, delves, Plunderstorm, outdoor content of several flavours etc.

I’m not going to say whether one is better than the other, cause that’s very subjective to each person and their playstyle. I certainly miss mini raid patches though and was really hoping we might get a Drust one in SL or a gnoll one if DF.

Quest marks.
I still dont understand why they replaced the good old quest marks with the new ones.


Sadly this has been happening since Vanilla, with me being a collector and completionist i loved the aspect of being able to do everything and collect everything, it started slowly over time with removals of pvp gladiator gear and titles and mounts etc and old Naxxramas moving to LK then after Pandaland the entire cloak quests being removed, as it got worse and worse and things moved into more seasonal things i started developing FOMO.

Now with so many things removed that were collectable or behind a season (MoP challenger stuff) i lost all desire to collect and complete, im lucky if i get online more than 1 day a week now.

Tldr; of this post

Blizzard keeps removing ‘stuff’ (refuses to elaborate) and pushes tokens, so we should unsub until subscription price goes down (no relationship to the earlier token arguements)

My answer is no thank you I like the price gating, seen f2p mmo’s, theres a reason I’m not on one.
If you wanna rag on the token thats fine but you obviously were just scraping the barrel for a reason to go after sub prices instead.


I’m going to echo the sentiment of various people in this thread:

Give examples please.
Right now it’s just vague nondescript ‘complaints’.