Lacking Healers? Here's how to fix it

Jk, there is no fix.

It makes absolutely no sense that an already very intensive healing scene in PVP, is now going to put under yet more intensity because of totally out of touch developers and their “nerfs/buffs”.

Congratulations on “incentivising” healers to try out PVP, to try out healing in arena/solo, because as one of those people, I’m already over and done with it. The target audience of your incentives failed, in fact it never took off to begin with. The melee meta this season was already heavy, now it’s unbearable.

I cannot wait for the amount of posts that will follow this week. Out of touch is an extremely polite way of telling you how bad your developers are in regards to changes, buffs and nerfs.



As a healer main who’s played all 4 seasons, I disagree. There are a few easy fixes to make the solo shuffle healer experience better and increase participation:

  • Cap dampening at 50%. This way, games are still “fast” but healers are not useless and every game doesn’t end with a default 3-3 because now we can actually do something and carry our team mates.

  • If the game detects that both healers go 3-3 because a single DPS lost 0-6, then both healers receive +15 MMR as compensation for their time.

These two changes alone would increase healer participation by roughly 37% according to my researches.


As a healer main who’s played all 4 seasons, I disagree. There are a few easy fixes to make the solo shuffle healer experience better and increase participation:

  • Cap dampening at 50%. This way, games are still “fast” but healers are not useless and every game doesn’t end with a default 3-3 because now we can actually do something and carry our team mates.
  • If the game detects that both healers go 3-3 because a single DPS lost 0-6, then both healers receive +15 MMR as compensation for their time.

These two changes alone would increase healer participation by roughly 37% according to my researches.

  1. The average solo shuffle round lasts between 30 seconds and 2 minutes in the current meta. Capping dampening = irrelevant at that point.

  2. Ah yes, because that doens’t look like a breeding ground for win-trading at all, does it?

I disagree. My rounds often reach 65%+ dampening.

Don’t care. Not my problem, it’s Blizzard’s job to monitor this.
Wintrading will happen no matter what anyway.

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The real fix is to just bin shuffle and integrate the queueing behaviour into 2v2 and 3v3 and if people enjoy playing with their newly acquiainted random they can party up and queue together rather than carry on pugging and heavily skewer 2v2’s so it always tries to fix a dps with a healer to prevent the rubbish lobbies like double warrior occuring.

the other option is you NEUTER sustained damage on “burst” classes like ret, ww, dh, hunter, boomie, warlock, mage, sub rogue–etc so that it feels like you can ‘play’ your class. Rn how it feels is that im running for dear life for 20-40 seconds depending on class and then the rest of the game is healing truckloads of damage without any cds actually being in-use.

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  1. By this alone I can guarantee that you either play Preservation Evoker or Cast Mistweaver.

  2. Their job to monitor it when they can’t even monitor their own class changes? Interesting.

However, since the game prevents mirror match ups, this means the games where I go in deep dampening are against other classes. Lots of Holy Priests these days.
So, all healers get to these levels of dampening part a certain level.

And when you reach 65%, 70%, 75% of dampening…Well then it ceases to be a 3v3 game.
It’s a 2v2 game with two healers in spectator mode, praying that their team mates will play better than their opponents. And that’s how you end up with so many 3-3 games: healers are excluded from the latest stages of the match which is not fun, and not fair.

They should also add a system in wich a healer with higher mmr wins a set number of points and losses a set in stone number of points vs a lower mmr healer.

Example: 1700 MMR healer vs 1200 MMR healer

Win- 4-2 30 points
3–3 15 points as you stated
Loss 2-4/1-5 30 points max

Its not healears fault blizzard cant make more people to heal.

Some low MMR healers i faced are rank ones with 0 mmr and i lost 90 points in a 2-4 that was close

Not a cool game design. I”m punished cuz blizzard cant make pvp to atracct more player base, because they dobt even care

There is no fix.

Not because of how matchmaking works.

It’s because you’re responsible for multiple players.

Historically healers always enjoy PICKING WHO to play with. That’s why there’s plenty of healers in the premade brackets.

The above is non-arguable. Let’s say I play my priest, would I rather heal 4 different randoms which may or may not feed my game, or heal 1 or 2 premades which I KNOW are good players and WILL NOT troll me, play correctly around my spec and CDs and win the game.

The answer is pretty obvious.

And yes, you can carry a Solo Shuffle as a healer. However, you need the DPS to understand the basics of arena and their classes, as well as your class.

I am not going to trinket random CC you didn’t stop. I will trinket to use Void Shift. So deal with it. It’s a 1 time guaranteed save. Rest of the game is based on me avoiding CC and you stopping CC, so I can heal.

That’s how it is. I would rather let some guy press his Bubble, Turtle or block before I press. People should learn to play properly. At the end of the day, ok the guy didn’t press, back he goes to a 40 minute queue with a negative score while I get my next instant pop.

Maybe the above is annoying for DPS players, but I don’t care on my Priest. Due to trust issues, I tell people to press first for themselves. And it works out most of the time.

I didn’t really try that hard to push my priest in Shuffle last season, but I think 2310ish was decent enough for me not being a main healer, and I don’t think the system really needs many changes, whatever you do, you simply get to push higher if you’re improving and have instant queues.


I have t played for such a ling time.

I”m close
To 1600 as holy for the f time also
As disc in solo s.

The amount if mages who dont ib, paladins that dont bop
Or buble, is astounding.

Also moat druis can cat stun cyclone for free in 10 yards range from my dps.

If you dont tilt and dont take it seriously its fun, but you need to be a god mode to avoid cc, damage and chase them after pillars and avoid 10 sec cc chains

Solo shuffle is so bad. The system of it is just a mess.
I still can’t understand why they didn’t put solo que for 2s or 3s?
Alot of ilegal servers have these solo que options and they are doing fine.

Dampening should by constant. RBGs = 0%. 3v3/SS = 30%. 2vs2= 50%. That was easy. Neeeext.

CTA (Call to arms) like they do in dungeons that give rewards… Fixed…