I’m getting an ongoing issue with lag but my internet and in-game ping etc. are supposedly fine
I’ve had a development in that I’ve noticed something: I’m on a low-pop RP realm and noticed every time I experience this lag I see people from Argent Dawn (high-pop RP realm) running about
I know correlation is not causation but is this a known link? Is perhaps the Argent Dawn server located somewhere different and when the CRZ kicks in it causes my issues?
Is there a way to stop the Cross-Realm Zoning from happening? I don’t really enjoy playing in an overcrowded area anyway and can’t imagine turning off my server saves Blizz that much money??
Argent Dawn has certainly been suffering very badly with the same problem: good framerate, good ping but still a huge lag when interacting with the game (pressing abilities, interacting with mailbox, bank, portals etc).
The same thing has been occurring in some (but not all) Epic BattleGrounds, too.
If this is actually a thing, let’s really, really hope that they fix it without messing up Argent Dawn’s RP non-sharding, which is vital to the lifeblood of that realm.
It would be a bit hypocritical of them to make a big deal of Ibelin and to then shut down the system that currently enables the existence of that very same type of RP.
The in-game latency readings have mostly been useless for probably a decade or more now. They seem to measure latency to the edge of Blizzards network, or maybe to the realm your character is on, but do nothing to show you the current world latency anymore (at least in my case). Probably because the character isn’t really on your home realm most of the time, but some overloaded shard, or other server, or layer, etc.
I have 14ms ping in-game pretty much 100% of the time, but world latency (interacting with things, casting spells, etc) can be huge. It’s definitely been terrible since TWW launched, but with the in-game latency not really showing anything.