Lag, stutter lag and other issues

Im at a loss! See in dragonflight and dragonflight related areas i lag and get stuttering lags all the time… yet when im in non dragonflight related areas im fine? My fps isnt a issue since its around 60 and my ms is like 19. Ive had it the whole expac… and my graphic settings is at low with a few exceptions… anyone else got this issue? Even maybe got a fix? Im scared for TWW! Cant afford a new pc atm
Thanks :blush:

Do you mean while dragonriding or just questing?
What kind of stutter?
Have you updated all addons and weakauras?

Its worse with dragon riding. Stuttering as in many tiny tiny little lags almost like jittering. I have tryed all addons disabled and everything still cant seem to figure out why it only affects dragonflight zones everywhere else its fine.
All addons are always up to date i do it every time before logging in.

Microstutter i guess.
Hm what are your hardware specs?
Do you have G-sync? 2 displays with different refreshrate?

|Intel(R) Core™ i5-9400F CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz|
RAM|16,0 GB|

64-bit operativsystem

Nvidia Gforce GTX 1660

one screen g-sync on

Your Hardware is to old. WoW Now requires AT LEAST a RTX 3060 and a Ryzen 5 5600 or higher if you do not want to play on potato Graphics. The recommended Specs for WoW that Blizzard has Set out are not correct.

At least not for 60 FPS.

I can play Star Citizen on my PC with no issues but when playing Wow i sometimes drop to the 50’s when it comes to FPS.

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