Lagg makes game unplayable

Hey! The game is unplayable in the time of 16-22:00. Me and the Mrs. would like to play after work, but we have been unable. First we have to wait 1 to 1 1/12 hour and after that we cant even turn in any quest our characters. Everything takes like 2-5 minutes. I traded her and the trade had me disconnect 4 times and took us 30 solid minutes. This has been going on for a week now. She has canceld her sub now because its not playable.
Any insight from Blizzard? Or a you

I am so sorry too inform you…

Their insight:
Pay 25 euro per char to transfer
Play on a completely dead server bieing Hydryxian or Mograine.

We would go transfer, but all our friends either im the guild and outside the guild play on Gehennas. So transfer isnt an option for us. :frowning: We feel left in the dark because there is no recognition of this happening.
Are there even any blizzard employees working on this? I doubt it

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