Lake of Fire nerf is too much for Destro Warlocks

I absolutely hated lake of fire with a passion and stopped playing lock because I was forced to run it.

Keeping up your rotation with the lof uptime was tedious and annoying.

So glad they removed it fron the game


Its actually a great change, now I can just run demonic tactics and chill. Got 95-99s using demonic tactics in P2 already and it was great.

Lake of Fire was terrible and clunky. If the boss moves your DPS is wrecked, if the tank moves the boss your DPS is wrecked, if the fight is too long your DPS is wrecked since you have to life tap out the wazoo. If you even messed up one Lake of Fire debuff, demonic tactics would do better just pure blasting.

I was going to make a Mage alt for P3 because I despise LoF but now I will stay with the lock.

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thank god it got gutted. absolutely boring rune. (and impossible to balance later on)


I’ve always used our feral to deal with hard hitting bosses, it’s amazing how busted that is compared to playing protpally.

Wdym ret is garbage too :woman_in_manual_wheelchair:

“Everyone wants to be good / needs to be good” is what transformed Classic into retail.
Go play retail.

No lol. We still gonna be fine

What are you playing? SoD classic is not classic nor vanilla. Why do you think they for instance push Shokadin so much through all the runes? Do you know how trash Enh is in Classic? Why is it busted here?
SoD is an experiment to make memes good and try new stuff.

Go play era if you want no changes. Because this is NOT Classic.

“some classes/specs should be worthless”
go play era.

What do you mean? The hunter is pure dps class if is not good in this in what should be?!

Well, deep destro will have 30% haste buff which will result in huge buff to DPS and master chaneller drain life deals almost the same bonus damage as lake of fire (70-90 DPS at 40, probably 100-130 at 50) so you can negate most of the dps loss with master chaneller and get bonus haste from casting conflagrate.


As someone that started P2 as warlock I welcome this change because LoF was the worst thing to have to put into rotation. I’ll be glad to do worse than to know my output is so reliant on some idiot bored tank moving the boss for no reason.

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The problem isn’t that they nerfed it, it’s that they allowed it go ship off on p1 in this state instead of fixing it from the start.

What would’ve resulted in warlock buffs was delayed due to that single overtuned mess , now we’ll have to go through half of p3 or even p4 before balancing catches up.

agreed as much as those huge crits are cool casting a high mana cost AOE that only works on static engagements is cluncky