LandFall quest chain bug, support sucks and some rant :(

So, while trying to enjoy the Remix in the Landfall quest chain on the storyline Dominance Offensive there are a couple of quests interconnected (Find Thrall!, The Horde is Family and De-Subjugation, and a couple more), by doing these, part of the chain is getting you teleported to Echo Isles to kill some mobs, etc.

While being on Echo Isles doing the quest De-Subjugation, a dungeon queue pop-ed up, so I entered to do my daily dungeon, after finishing it, I should have been tp-ed back to Echo Isles to continue my stuff there, but instead (BUG) Iā€™ve been sent to Pandaria with no way of returning to the Echo Isles, because the initial TP was done through a quest Volā€™Jin Heartstone item, which was one time use.

Because of this bug/situation I am stuck on the campaign/quest chain, and as a normal/regular wow player Iā€™ve opened a Support ticket seeking for help.

Soā€¦ because of poorly designed mechanics/game, I am falling behind other players, and we all know how important it is to keep it up with ā€˜thingsā€™, otherwise nobody will invite you in any Normal or HC raids,evetsā€¦ or missing very rare transmog items unlocks or achievements, etc. Unless ofc you buy ā€˜boostā€™, because this game is full of such ā€˜servicesā€™, on Retail I have to leave the Trade channel always due to too much spam of these.

But the real pain was about to start with the help/support received, after opening a Support ticket, it says in the UI that it will take an average 15 days to get an answerā€¦ 15 days for a time limited eventā€¦ I find it unacceptable.

But luckily, after just a few days I get an answer, and as I expected (not my first ticket in 10+ years of game) the answer from a game master named: Umkellxye was pretty much [moderated] go to wowhead website to see how should I complete the Landfall campaignā€¦ and ofc I had to reply explaining again the issue, and at the moment I have to wait at least several days until I get a new answerā€¦which I really doubt it will get my problem resolvedā€¦So thats all the Pandaria Remix experience for me, ended with the blocker BUG.

The idea of Remix was interesting, gave opportunity to collect some very hard to get collectibles or unavailable trading post sets, but releasing the game with sooo many bugs and the worst is the lack of support or help when you face a bug/issue which makes it 100 time worseā€¦

Iā€™ve researched a lot on my own how to resolve my own issue, and I see many complaints about the game from other players, and I do agree with someā€¦ the ā€˜fastā€™ leveling experience is that not fast, I used to level faster alts doying timewalking dungeons on Retailā€¦

And the reputation farming its pure boring ā€˜cancerā€™, I do like the infinite cloak stats gathering, makes it interesting on grinding power, but the reputation should have been superfast or not required at all, its a LIMITED timed event afterall, a regular wow player doesnā€™t need/can play every day several hours just to stay on the ā€˜floatingā€™ line with the farmā€¦ I have never enjoyed the reputation farmingā€¦ makes no sense for me in Retail and even less sense on a limited timed event thatā€™s focused on gathering stats and collectibles.

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What is the quest name youā€™re stuck on?

Hi Puny,

As mentioned, the quest name is: De-Subjugation, while I was wrongfully TP-ed back to Pandaria, in an effort of troubleshooting myself, I have abandoned the quest thinking that Ill be TP-ed back to Echo Isles and will pick up the quest again or pick it up from the quest journal,but it didnt worked as expected, so when I look the map I see the quest there in Echo Isles waiting for me, but I canā€™t get there anymore, because the item that TP-ed me there in the first place was the one-time-use Volā€™Jin Heartstone, which was provided from the same quest chain by previous quests.

To solve this issue, what I need, is someone to TP me back to the Echo Isle so I can continue the quest chain campaign. Can you do that?
The Remix char that Iā€™m playing is named Morghoth, its a Zandalari Paladin

UPDATE on this thread:

So today, Iā€™ve got the ā€˜killing blowā€™ of the Remix, as I expected there will be no fix/help/support for this bug, which appears to have affected more players.
I used to submit ā€˜Bugsā€™ reports in the past using the ingame UI and I have never seen a bug that Iā€™ve reported to be a ASAP fix.

This is the answer Iā€™ve got:

Dear [Edited],

Issue ID: #94636588

Your ticket has received the following response:

Greetings, [Edited].

My name is Game Master Dyniurt. Iā€™m here to help you. Thank you so much for reaching out to our Customer Support!

We understand that you are not being able to go back to Echo Islands to continue the Pandaria Horde Campaign on the quest De-Subjugation.

We have received several reports of this issue and can confirm it is not working as intended. Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided. We apologize for any inconvenience while our developers work as quickly as possible to resolve the issue.

If you discover a new issue, please submit a new Bug report.

So! Thats all Folks! Ill probably cancel subscription up until next expansion, hoping it will be betterā€¦

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To solve it you must syncronise to a player who is level 70 and has no progress on this quest line. This way youā€™ll be able to do all these quests once again from the start. The person youā€™re syncronising to doesnā€™t have to do anything, just stay in the party. 10 - 20 minutes and youā€™re done.