Shows how devs realy play their game
Death Knight**
- Unholy
- Festering Wound damage is now increased by 180% in PvP Combat (was 195%).
- Death Coil damage is now increased by 60% in PvP Combat (was 70%).
- Necrotic Wound now absorbs 3% of healing received (down from 4%) and heals for up to 3% of the Death Knight’s maximum health (down from 4%).
uneeded at all
dk was not S tier it was A and fun doing this show bias against dks for unknown reason
lets not talk about 30% armour nerf to plate wich is apure buff to any physical class
and doing nothing for dk except making the class miserable
making apes runing on dk tuneling while pressing everykey in the game
and us dk runing around screaming foe help