Last night i just had enough of SS

Playing my healer. Had a bad round prev due to reasons.

This round I get a protection warrior on the team. We lose the first round as he does barely more damage than I do.

That’s it!, I can’t do this anymore. I’m not gonna play for 20 mins to go 3/3 maybe just so some guy who decides ‘I know!, I wanna try a tank class in SS’. get’s to play.

I’ve never quit a SS round early ever. But between the fully green dps who have never played the class before, the same 3 specs in every round and now seeing tanks pop up regularly (I’ve seen a load of DH tanks), it’s not enjoyable at all healing this bs

Just stay clear from SS. It’s toxic, horrible and majorly unfair.

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Tbf thats extremely rare. Think ive seen one tank in all the lobbies Ive played since I came back, was a guardian druid iirc.
Also if your disc the comment about him doing barely more damage than you doesnt mean he was doing that bad necessarily lol.
Either way its a shuffle, players rotate. If theres a bad player and you lose the first few matches cos of it theres no reason to tank rating by leaving chances are you then win when they are on the enemy team so its worth sticking around.
Actually leaving is the unfair part, cos there were other people that played with that bad player and lost and you leaving means they dont then get a chance to play with the good player and at least pull a 3-3.
Many times theres been a bad healer in the first 3 matches on my side, then they leave and so I end up losing without getting the chance to win some with the good healer.

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