Last wish - Nightborne customization

A 10 000 year old bug :joy:

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She is cute but there is much better ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Congratulations to high elf enjoyers!
Still, my heart is in the night :flushed:


Like many others have said, the new customisation is amazing and really helps bring home the look and feel of the Nightborne closer to how they were originally envisioned in Legion. Combined with the ‘heritage’ weapons being available on the time-walking vendor, we’ve been pretty lucky. There’s just a few things more that can tip the quality into perfection.

The jewellery is by far the most impressive and varied addition. With an addition of bronze and the dull greeny-silver colour used by some NPCs to accompany the new gold and silver colours, this would fully complete the metallic vibe nightborne have. (Top two below)


More importantly to nightborne, however, is their magical side. Unlike the NPCs, players have almost zero options regarding such; lacking the magical hands, mana-infused hair and glowing tattoos that can be found on various nightborne mobs. Despite the new tattoos looking brilliant, they are hard to see without correct lighting – something that could be amended by having a toggle for the luminosity of their glow, from its current dimness to a more vibrant purple or blue. As for the magical hair, something like the Dark Iron and their fiery highlights would work wonderfully.

Finally for raw customisation is eye colour. We are still stuck with just one option, even lacking the purple tint that almost every nightborne bar the felborne have – I’m pretty sure we had this tint at one point, but lost it in an update.

Less to do with the imminent customisation is changes to their heritage armour. Of-course there’s the secondary heritage armour variation in gold and red just sitting around in the files, which we would all love to see. (Especially now that we have golden jewellery to match it!)

In a more involved manner, there are several fixes that can be made to the heritage armour as it is. As already posted here, the male chest-piece could use an exposed chest to show off the tattoos beneath – but there’s also quite a large flaw in using the heritage pieces for transmog that this picture adequately shows:

With the chest stealing all 3D geosets including the robe piece, it is impossible to have a robeless look while maintaining most of the heritage parts.

These are the few additional changes that would really complete nightborne for me, barring slight model edits for the male that other posters have gone into in greater detail!


Linxy a friend kindly shared this mock up of the tentacles being replaced with hair strands ! Perfect! We would SO appreciate it if you could relay it to the team to apply that as this hairstyle currently looks uneven in length on the front and back Note that these are actually two different hairstyles in-game, but both look exactly the same from the back, with the difference that nr 7. Wicked has tentacles instead of the hair that display on nr. 2 Consuming!

Also, PLEASE PLEASE replace the front tentacles on nr. 2 Consuming with braids! Simaia did the mock up and they look unbelievably beautiful! :heart: :heart_eyes:

The ponytails on both the males and females also need to be filled in the center with some hair :blush:


These are so great! Would be perfect if they add them to all races

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Yes this would be amaaaziiing!!! :sob: Honestly if they would just add a chest piece option that’s not a dress 🥲

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This is so so important!
For Nightborne tattoos:

  • Options for brighter tattoos
  • Tattoo Color options: blue colors, purple dark purple, black, white, silver, green
  • Magical effects on the hair! (Purple, blue, green, white, etc)
  • The magical effects could look like arane energy (glowing leaves/flowers), mana energy, fel energy (green fire), etc.

Would really appreciate these options added to hair and tattoos :frowning:

Along with shared hairstyles and some true blue, and light gray/pink skin tones.

Other races alrdy have so many effects for hair/tattoos and AT LEAST chest piece (non-dress) heritage armor option.

All this among lots of other points posted by other players, makes the Nightborne additions in PTR a little disappointing. I expected so much more key Nightborne options to make them resemble the NPCs and Suramar city that we experienced in Legion.

I hope they listen to us before releasing the patch :pray::pleading_face:


Thank you so much for the Velf, Nightborne, and LFD options.

I am faction changing this Character to a Nightborne once 9.1.5 comes.

i do have a few extra suggestions if you dont mind:

  • Remove the chin from the heritage armor. with chins jewelery being added as customization there is no need to have it anymore. and it looks awful on the females especially. Please do consider removing it from the heritage armor.

  • It would be nice to have glowing hands like the NPC’s. Both Arcane and fel green options would be lovely.

Thank you for your hard work :heart:


yes, all races should get braided hairstyles, NB men got one, that’s cool.:+1:

On the other hand the NB did not receive their “arcanic effect” in the hair and the hands like the NPCs, you should perhaps continue to ask for it.


For the female, not for male though, as for the male a metal chin is authentic Nightborne one, which is not in the customizations.

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I am posting this message on behalf of @ Эрулан (Zerein) upon request.

Thank you, you’ve done a good job with narrowed eyes and jewelry, and I really appreciate a chance to play as a drow <3 But we’re still not… arcane enough, still don’t have everything we were asking for (in short: we want to look exactly like legion nightborne NPCs) In details, we need:

EYE COLORS including nightfallen purple, felborne green,
maybe nightwell dark blue, dusk lily pink… The more, the better.

NIGHTFALLEN/FELBORNE skins and other OPTIONS . Felborne could be perfect NB-warlock restricted customization, sadly only DKs/DHs have one.

GLOWING HANDS . Glow color can be arcane white, fel green, maybe even shadowy, icy, fire, associated with specific school of magic (but only if it makes sense lorewise).

• Nightfallen hand runes just like NPCs have.


• Option for NOTICEABLE LEYLINES (with possibility to switch between them and current).

• Various LEYLINE COLORS including nightfallen dark “scars” option and bright purple like this one:

• A bit more slanted eyes as a 3rd option.

• Already existing Suramar NPC’s and fal’dorei HAIRSTYLES for a player model.

• Fix Highborn hairstyle to look like NPC’s one:

• Add more physics for a hair. Some hairstyles look like plastic and never move, and it’s 2021.

• Pigtails hairstyle looks unfinished, tho can be cute with some bangs.

• More hair ornaments - Arcan’dor vines for a hair, dusk lily flower (inspired by amazing Faebelina’s artworks), fal’dorei arcane web, silver chains and gems.

• Fix male lips please. Also their mustache looks like inverted eyebrows -_-

Green hair, nelf and belf hairstyles and even new blue/purple hair is a too much, imo. Doesn’t bring us closer to the original nightborne. Either share hairstyles with all the elf races, or with no one. I’d prefer to keep each race as unique as possible.

The job is done when people will start to confuse playable nightborne with her (yes, we need this hair and skin tone).

Not even mentioned nightborne players are still don’t have their own dance, and other allied races aswell.
Not mentioned NB players still have to wear the mask in Suramar to disguise NPCs with… nightborne illusion. … when they are actually nightborne…
And even nightborne manasabers have proper leyline color and glowing tail, while nightborne players… well


Its a mystery why the female Nightborne have the fake beard/chin armour
For males its fine, even the first concept art shows that pharaonic golden fake beard/chin plate
No NP, no statue, none…


Thank you for all the efforts the team puts into customization. A bit of feedback regarding the Void elf tentacle toggle. There’s a gap between the hair in the ponytail, and on females hairstyle 7 the hair is different length in the front and different in the back, could you make it look like this Can we also get braids on hairstyle 2 like those Simaia made That’s all my feedback the rest is perfect and hope you will continue your efforts for all of us by the time 9.1.5 hits.

Do you mind if I quote/link this post in my ongoing Pandaren Customisation/Update thread? It echoes my expressed sentiments and it would be good to show more examples of recommendations and concerns from players.

Of course not. Go ahead.

It’s simply jewelry in their culture

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Another cow here that approves the new customizations!

so i have logged into PTR few days ago and played abit with the new customizations and omg they are amazing! Linxy and everyone that worked on that, big thank you!!

imgur .com/a/m28uwA9

i’m really in love with those eyes shape and the darker skin ton on my warrior, now i need find a better mog to match it even better :heart_eyes:
never saw so many nightborne players in orgrimmar, when i played ptr it was basically suramar city 2.0 xD
can’t wait till release on retail!