Last wish - Nightborne customization

Another primadona which thrives on continuous conflict. Don’t feed the troll. Please ignore :slight_smile:


Threatening me now, are we? Against the rules just fyi, and insulting players? Rich coming from you, hypocrite.

And as usual, the typical “I have no argument thus must be a troll” comment. As inevitable as the sun setting and rising

People are so desperate for an argument with other people, who they don’t know. Is it vindication? I mean, what is wrong with people, these days? Desperation to be miserable…?

Your the one attacking people for no reason.

So, I will report you. You want to attack Nightborne fans because it fills some sort of online ego? I don’t know, but attacks like this are against the ToS.
We like the Nightborne race…how does that affect you? How do I hurt you, by liking this particular race? Maybe, if me liking the Nightborne hurts you…maybe you need to grow thicker skin?

Your just bullying.


No such attacks have been made, so enjoy your mute I suppose.

Regardless, seeing Nightborne complaining is hilarious, because Horde is given literally everything asked for, and it’s been like that for 17 years now. All it really does is confirm that Horde players are whiny children that can’t shut their yap and be happy with what is given, not even once, ever

And your the poor oppressed alliance player…

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Blizzard really should just deny completely, and let Nightborne be as they are. But Blizzard being Blizzard, we all know that won’t ever be the case, and Nightborne will be given exactly what they ask for, because again, Horde.

The fact you see nothing wrong with this just confirms to me that you are no older than 12, and if you actually are, then yikes.

Another daily reminder:

  • Please add missing NPC faces
  • Please add lighter skin colors
  • Please fix M-shaped mouth from the male model
  • Please add glowing hands and hair

And you are seemingly no older than 12 either, since I’ve seen better arguments coming out of teenage girls than I have, with you.

Your not causing me to go and grab the popcorn and watch the drama unfold, matey. :roll_eyes: :woman_shrugging:

Seen? Possibly, but they sure as the sun is hot didn’t come from you.

But hey, can’t expect someone who has everything spoon fed to them to be able to do much on their own anyway, so I can let that slide.

Yup, literal child. At least that has been cleared up

I mean, your calling yourself here.

I’m just entertaining you. :rofl:

“Child” is a noun, not a name. Did you pull a Wiggum and fail English? I’m sure you thought it was UNpossible too

Your calling me a “child.” I mean, your calling yourself a “child” by my counts, because how your behaving is just extremely childish.

Usually, the one accusing others of being a “child” is the biggest child of the group.

Now, carry on - I insist.

But asking for more customizations, when no such things were given to Alliance isn’t… right… I’m the childish one. The irony here is just hilarious, and I thank you for the laugh, and proving you’re a child.

Erm…Lightforged Draenei? :woman_shrugging: :rofl:
Plus more Blood Elf stuff for the Void Elves. :woman_shrugging:


Oh gee golly wiz! 4 whole new hair colors? Oh joy of joy, that’s so good.

Obvious sarcasm is obvious.

As for Lightforged… Oh who cares… just another space goat race no one cares about.

Pretty please ignore him. Your time and energy is much more important.


But it’s fun to make him a laughing stock for the forum posters to see! :raising_hand_woman:


Backfires on you then, since your begging for things that will be given anyway. So yeah… have fun with that.