Last wish - Nightborne customization

I mean their civilization is also based around a magic tree that a druid helped them grow that saved them from withering.

But it’s really an aside, and for now my druid will just keep rotting away as Night Elf, remaining untouched since 8.2 due to faction barrier and lack of any appealing druid races on Horde.


Not really, Valewalker Farodin, and other keepers, were the proto druids, those are half druid and half highborn.

Farodin, never left Suramar, as his mission was to cure the Nightborne, sadly, Fal’dorei are one of the keepers’ creations. Those poor creatures are experiments.

However, there was only one Nightborne High Botanist Tel’arn who could master the delicate intertwining of magic into nature’s grand cycle.

Meaning, he used the power of the arcane to grow the trees and other plant life in the Suramar.

He still has many followers, Shal’dorei naturalists (they have an arcane tree growing on their bodies) Shal’dorei sage (shaman-like Nighborne, who use the water elementals to water their gardens.).

That being said, the Nightborne has all the rights to be a druid, but druid not in sense of being druid like Tauren or Nightelves, who follow the ways of Cenarius, such as respecting the nature and etc.

At the moment, in-game we have more races, which does NOT match the ideology of the Druidism. However, they have access to being Druid as a class.

Darkspear trolls, are able to shapeshift to the looks of their loas. Gonk have taught the Darkspear trolls how to be a “druid”, not Cenarius, or any members of the Cenarion circle.

Kul’tiran drust or Thornspeakers.

Zandalari raptari- again, learnt their shapeshifting abilities from the loa Gonk.

I do not understand, why, the Nightbonre are still not able to be druids, but they can be priests.

I have mentioned, before, those Shal’dorei naturalists, they are casting wraith, roots, thorns and etc.
However, I have never seen even a single Nightborne using the priest spells within the Suramar.

At this point, I just believe, that they have missed that part, or they were lazy to give unique forms.

Farodin, is still a keeper, and still a proto druid, and a highborn, he is with the Shal’dorei, and I would see him as a mentor to the new druid Shal’dorei.

Your understanding of Druidism is not the same as the Nightborne see it. They mix arcane magic with the nature, which is against the teachings of Cenarius, however, Drust are against it too.

If the Nightborne cannot be druid, explain me this then.



They have to be Arcane Druids.



Next step is :

Nightborne druids
Nightborne paladins
Nightborne Demon hunters
Eye colors
Jung face alternatives

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No such playable thing.

What’s next? Voidy Paladins

Otherwise Blood elves would be Druid too.

Paladins of what? :laughing:

Elune doesn’t even know they exist. We Night elves are her favorite children according to her own words.

Also Elune made Tyrande reject the Nightborne.

Well they made so they can be DKs so what privents them to be paladins or demon hunters or druids ??

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I agree :+1:t2: The best example I can give as how to make this work is the Evil Druid from Dungeon and Dragons. They are druids, but they don’t respect nature. On the contrary, they use their powers to dominate nature, to bend it to their will. Something that Nightborne already do without too many problems. (Blood Elfs too would work this way I presume)

Well, they don’t need to worship Elune to wield the powers of a Paladin. There are many ways to get to that. You don’t even need to worship anything :joy: Blood Elfs are the best example. First they took by force the power from a Naru. Then, with the Sunwell as a font of Holy power they use that. Some have re-started worshipping the light, so not all of them use this method, but is there nonetheless


I hate when these Night elf players deny the facts that are thrown at them.

High Botanist Tel’arn is an arcane druid, he was the one who could grow trees in the Suramar, with the help of the arcane magic as far as we know NO plant life will grow without sunlight, however, he could combine both arcane and the nature.

Shal’dorei naturalist, who GROWS an arcane tree on their shoulders.

Zandalari got to be paladins because in the Throne of Thunder, some mobs were casting paladin spells, why the Nightborne, who uses wraith, roots, thorns cannot be the Druid?


Good news everyone !

Since I’m on a continuous crusade for the betterment of the Nightborne (Yes I’ve nothing else to do 🤷🏻). I’ve found out that: :drum::drum::drum::drum:; the Felborne both male and female have a body tattoo that has not been added to the player model.

You thought I wouldn’t notice Blitzy :wink:

So… :clipboard:

  • Body Tattoos: Adding the Felborne tattoo. (With normal colour if you don’t plan to give us the Felborne options) :writing_hand:t2:

There was not Felborne tattoos to start with tbh :sweat_smile: Just normal tattoos with green colouration.

At the moment we lack, green eyes, green colour of tattoo, and fell infused hands.

We have gotten green-ish skin colouration already, so yeah.


If they could make a non-robe option (as well as adding the red/gold version) it would already do a lot.

The Nightborne NPC’s have a ton of incredibly gorgeous armors, and I’d wish they could implement that to the NB players as well.


Actually, if you look on the belly of the Felborne you can see they have a different pattern from the others NPCs. It’s easier to see on the female model, specifically the “Felborne Spellbreaker”. On the male you can check the “Felborne Enforcer”

If nightborne was real noone of the nightborne would ever wear the nightborne armor :rofl:
it is not pratical or good looking or confurt to wear even …

“I met this kal’dorei who told me my dress was the pinnacle of fashion… 10,000 years ago. Ouch! Those night elves really know how to throw shade!”

Well, nightborne are known to be huuuge fashionistas. So I bet they will wear uncomfortable armor, just like some people irl wear impractical things just for the sake to look cooler, lmao.


yeah like 10.000 years out of style time for a update :rofl:

Reminder about important remaining changes:

    Players want the following:
    the nightfallen/withered white-teal skin:
    Elisande skin tint:
    Azhara skin tint:
  • Please add MISSING NPC FACES. This face especially is popular:
  • Please add GLOWING HAIR
  • Please re-add the DUSKWATCH ARCBLADE
    Here is a compilation:

Thanks :elf:t3:


dark gray and coal black skins so can rp a dark elf …


Of course not. Nothing is playable until it’s made playable.

1 + 1 = ?

YESSSS!!! Void Knights :heart_eyes:

Shadow knights wont happen. Although the lore could make it work… Paladins converting to the void and all. It would mean re animating and designing your animations and everything just for void elves alone.

But who knows! I hear a certain tear of the moon is good at these campaigns :stuck_out_tongue:

Nah, other races as well - Undead, for instance. :slight_smile: