Last wish - Nightborne customization

Okey …Undead paladins… too. And?

And what? Demon Hunters are locked to two races. :wink:

Ahh okey… two races was your point. More than one at least. Gotcha!

(Not sure they would redsign an entire class’s animation and all for just that though :stuck_out_tongue: But we can dream)

I mean no, any race could be a Void Knight. Except probably LF Draenei, Draenei, Blood Elves and Tauren.

Exceptions and stand outs yes… But only the void elves and the Forsaken have its own people in lore following it.

Stand outs alone. even with the lore that it would work, Wouldn’t make a justified class over it. Besides Void elves and Forsaken.

Although! I would support a glyph about it! for those interested in it. to make your holy abilities appears as Shadow. If you played a future Undead or Void elf paladin

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Nightborne druids are lore-friendly. They may learn from the remaining Tel’arn’s notes in Nighthold library, they have Farodin to give advice, they have Arcan’Dor to draw power (and aesthetics aswell), they aren’t cut off the nature anymore (like some nightborne priests can return to worship Elune now, when “they see the stars once more”). There is even special illusion for a druid cat form in Suramar — manapard. If you think they are so far from nature, look at dusk lily flower on nightborne racial crest. Look at the arcane tree which saved them all in the middle of Shal’Aran. The city is still full of magically grown in the night flowers and trees; cranes are walking close to citizens, owls flying around. The presence of a zoological park shows their interest in wildlife, not in a kind way tho.

If you say nightborne druids can’t exist, can you explain nightborne shadow priests? Death Knights? Mistweaver/WW monks? (I see Brewmaster as 24/7 drunk Acrwine vintner/sommelier, but have no idea of other two specs). Druids can make botanists (with crystal tree form) as resto and astromancers as balance. Ferals with manapard form, etc —
https: // i.pinimg. com/originals/ba/1c/a2/ba1ca2ea10c10ea7ee056775ea3bbb07.jpg
(not sure about the turtle, also I’d use leyline spider form)

But this it’s just a dream of class skins and this is nightborne customization topic. I really appreciate that most of community requests are satisfied already and feel awkward asking for more, but still have some wishes:

• Mana glow in hair
• Missing nightborne NPC’s skin colors, hairstyles and faces
• “Highborn” female hairstyle fix to look like NPC’s
• “Pigtails” female hairstyle completion by adding some bangs like ehm… seraphim from “sacred 1” had, maybe? Current PTR version looks unfinished
• Fal’dorei hairstyle and hair accessories because why not? Suramar fashion can be unpredictable!
• Hair physics
• Eye colors (nightfallen eye color, fel, blind, pink, maybe dark/light blue and more)
• Leyline color options
• Nightfallen tattoo option and skin colors
• Longer and sharp fingernails like NPCs have
• Unique dance and some new animations (Fal’dorei have perfect casting animations. If you don’t have model viewer and wanna see it, use “Fal’dorei egg” + “Ai-Li’s Skymirror” on self and cast everything you can. I see different animations for Arcane Missiles, Frostbolt, Hearthstone and Shifting Power, and all of them are awesome)

Maybe make at least some of already existing Suramar clothes/armor available to nightborne players in a future? I mean, if I want troll gear, I can get troll gear in Throne of Thunder/Zul’Aman/'Gurub. I can get Sin’Dorei dress in Magister’s Terrace and everything else Blood Elf-ish in Sunwell Plateu, and it’s true for the most races. But for shal’dorei? Antorus Runebound Regalia elements for mages only and heritage armor, that’s all we have :slightly_frowning_face:. This is why the Nightborne doesn’t feel like a full-fledged race… yet.


Why can’t Tauren be void knights?

You do know what the Tauren stance on “shadow” is, right?

The Tauren view Shadow as a naturally occurring phenomenon in the same way Light is, thus It cannot be “wrong” because it is natural and part of the ordained order of things, therefore it is right. They have no moral reservations against its use in itself, more the purposes for which it is used. Shadowpriests are not reviled in Tauren culture. They are simply exploring one dimension of the natural order of things.

Their opposition to stuff like Old Gods and their agents should not be confused with opposition to Shadow and Void magic itself. After all the Void elves oppose the Old Gods and their agents whilst utilising Void and divorce the two concepts in a similar manner.

This stance of the Tauren is covered in The Shattering.


Well, we can have NB druids, for sure, but dont expect classe themed customizaiton ever for the colours of your spells or things as such, it wouldnt be good for gameplay

It happenned, its called you know…a death knight?

Why no one ever mention the mag’har paladins that actually exist in game

To be honest, in the lore, logicially ANY that can be both warrior and priest, can be paladin, just look at how humans paladins came to be and you will udnerstand my point

Do you have any lore fact behind that statement?

I would add that for the felborn customizaiton, if it happen if shouldnt be limited to warlock, and wont, just like you can make a blood elf warlock with blue eyes


I see that but also it clutters this thread with more of his nonsense… I really just want to hear more about other player’s wishes for Nightborne :slight_smile: and hopefully some Blizzard responses.

Let’s stay focused on what we want! :smiley: :purple_heart:


When a race which needed the customization above any other race gets some treats, this is what happens.

You guys are pathetic.


2,664,990,720,000 unique looks can be created by the Nightelf females.

151,690,320,000 unique looks can be created by the Nightelf males.

Stop your non-sense, the Nightborne are getting their customizations that they should have gotten almost 4 years ago, with the release.

9.1.5 is an official patch when the Nightborne are a playable race.


Oh so now the jewelry colour is an issue for you, will having golden jewelry save your faction?

The Shal’dorei have had golden/silver/bronze jewelry on the NPC long before the BIAS.

Golden jewlry and etc is one of the aesthetics of the Sin’dorei.

Meanwhile, the Night elf aesthetics are far behind on wearing jewelry.


Oh really? Did you forget Nelves can choose between 5 vine colors (3 jewelry for NB), 10 eye colors (1 for NB), 13 skin colors (11 for NB), 20 hairstyles (16 for NB), 17 hair colors (11 for NB). Talk about bias. Go troll somewhere else.


That nobody even uses unless you are Druid. It’s not the same as jewelry.

And we are core race we are supposed to have more options that our “allied” race. This is unfair for us!

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None of ours issue, do not complain to us about this.

You want to use or not, they are there.

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Go unsub then. Who is keeping you?

Oh wait you have unsubbed from the game minimum 5x times within last 6 months.

I just love how you like your own posts from your own alts.


Blame blizz writing team for destroying nelf lore, not people who want more customization.

And as NB say: “Night elves? More like country elves! They live in trees, sleep in dens… sometimes even grow antlers. They’re not cut out for life in a REAL city.”


Cause you destroyed and burned every night elf area possible

Now they are living in Stormwind’s streets which is even better. As I said, Bias

Never. I will fight for our right to get proper customizations to appear cool again. This is ridiculous that an allied race became cooler than us.

Actually they are living in Ardenweald, at least 90% of them are.

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