Last wish - Nightborne customization

Last I checked Blood Elves still have their stuff, so nothing was stolen.

Yet the inferior walmart version has more customizations than the original, has more themes than the original and has better racials than the original.

Enjoy your invisible jewelry. :kissing_heart:

Actually Blood Elves are the traitors to the Alliance, Void Elves just mended their ways and came back home.

Oh the feeling is reciprocal, believe me.

Indeed, thatā€™s the whole point of Void Elves, to free Thalassian elves from the obligation of tolerating the city of dung beetles (thatā€™s Orgrimmar, just in case your capability of reasoning has been affected by Fel radiation too) and consequently to save them from nose putrefaction that comes from just staying there for a while.

Thanks for your bump supporting Nightborne customizations! :hugs:

I mean Blizzard never said they will stop customizations after the release of 9.1.5

So I wouldnā€™t panic straight away. There could be updates throughout 9.1.5 hopefully, especially since there are allied races that havenā€™t even gotten updated yet.


I will kill Alleria and Umbric one day. You will not escape my wrath.

We officially left the team after the second war and found a better deal. Accept that and move on.

Alliance bias is the bane of the game. The sooner it is dismantled the better we are off.

not quite right. We have more eye colors, more hair styles and more hair colors. You are lacking on these.

Now that High elves basically exist on both sides, why donā€™t you try out the Alliance for once? You may find that you like it. If you donā€™t do end-game play that is.

The Alliance is my enemy. I will not stop until they are destroyed. All of Azeroth will belong to the Horde in due time. This I vow. Lokā€™tar!

Edith: I have 15 Horde and 2 Alliance characters. Horde will always be my home. Nothing is going to change that.

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Sure thing. :hugs:

Yeah, and thatā€™s what makes you a traitor. :hugs:

I can live without those :slight_smile:

Returning to Nightborne!

Iā€™d definitely like to see some more Nightborne themed clothes added to the game. The arcane tattoos in most peoples sets can barely be seen and even though Suramar WAS the endgame of Legion initially, there arenā€™t really any Nightborne themed outfits about.

It would be good to see a few outfits added alongside the weapons, or at least some variations of the heritage armour that reveals more tattoos instead of being so tanky. That goes for both female AND male sets!


Victoire wears a non robe version of the heritage armor. This might be of your liking.


We will not stop until ALL the below changes will be implemented:

    Players want the following:
    the nightfallen/withered white-teal skin:
    Elisande skin tint:
    Azhara skin tint:
  • Please add MISSING NPC FACES. This face especially is popular:
  • Please add GLOWING HAIR
  • Please re-add the DUSKWATCH ARCBLADE
    Here is a compilation:

Have a great Sunday everyone!


They are not slanded enought to me, even for the females i feel like the npcs have even more sladed eyes (but thats just my take on it)


Agree, but itā€™s still better than the slanted eye option of humans which we could have ended having :stuck_out_tongue:

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Iā€™ll give my two cents on this. I wonā€™t lie Iā€™m not happy to see such news but in the meantime I understand the logic, why Blizz could potentially say ā€œenough for nowā€.

Reasonably saying, new customization will never be the main focus for the devs. As well as mentioned customization shouldnā€™t cause delays in a patch schedule.

Butā€¦ I want to make sure Blizzard hear us out and understand our position why itā€™s a long-term issue and canā€™t be solved by one-time approach.

And If I understand blues correctly, customization wonā€™t stop with 9.1.5 and we should expect devs to continue their work in the next patches.

Soā€¦ Our resolve must not be changed. :slightly_smiling_face:

As I said many times, itā€™s okay if some improvements take time, as long as Blizz still listen to us. Iā€™m grateful for all the new options we got so far, but itā€™s only one part of a very big and complicated topic called nightborne.

P.S. I actually wrote a very long and whiny reaction to this, but for the last second decided to cut it out and spare your eyes :sweat_smile:


She is the best. Thank you for sharing this.


It was sold as one of the ā€œmain featuresā€ of Shadowlands thoughtā€¦but considering how the situation evolved since 2020 i dont really know what SL legacy will really be at this point


i hope 9.1.5 comes out next month ā€¦


I canā€™t wait for purple wavy hair and slanted eyes :purple_heart:

Ps Iā€™ve been unwell for a while and havenā€™t really been reading the forums etcā€¦ but having a look through the last few posts (I canā€™t believe how many there is!) Itā€™s really great to see the attention and customisations Nightborne should have gotten 4 years ago and it makes me very happy :blush:


Excellent said, Š”тŠµŠ»Š»ŠµŃ€Šøс!

We wonā€™t stop until Nightborne players and NPCs will look the same.


Ikr. In fact, Iā€™ve bought SL mainly because of the advertised customization. It was a major selling point for me.
And should I remind you how devastated I was soon after Blizzcon interview? :sweat_smile:

In my opinion, SL had a great potential, but series of bad events on par with bad decisions just ruined it for me. And now it needs an effort to regain the trust of the very diverse playerbase.

Indeed. I think, the 100% resemblance would be an utopia. But I see no reason why we cannot strive for this. Gradually and where itā€™s possible.


Before starting this, Iā€™d like to thank devs again for what is already done. The faces really catch that drow/old matron vibe, new leyline options are awesome, and slanted eyes are the best. Please, donā€™t rush when doing more. High quality end result and feeling youā€™re listening are much more important :purple_heart:


Is to make playable race as good as Legion NPCs. To give them that noble, arcane look. This includes adding already existing things: animated mana hair, NPCs alike angular faces and skin colors, hand glow outline etc.

Then some variety like new eyes/leyline colors.

Later some nightfallen/felborne features and colors, falā€™dorei inspired jewelry.

And in the end there is some things beyond the appearance to make nightborne unique stand-alone race, not just a budget copy of another race ā€” animations, Suramar armor and so on.

Iā€™ll try to put everything in order.


Things to fix:

  • Remove some wrinkles on some faces (tho having an ancient lady options is nice). Post and edit by NicodemĆ¹s:

us.forums.blizzard. com/en/wow/t/nightborne-female-faces-still-need-fixing-ptr-40496/1094307

Things to add:

  • Already existing nightborne NPCā€™s faces.

  • More younger, angular, charismatic faces with high cheekbones. Please donā€™t add a smile to most female faces, itā€™s creepy when someone always smiles.

Example of nice male face (forgot who is the author) ā€”

imgur. com/a/ys9BR8H


Things to fix:

  • Eye lashes look weird and unnatural.

Things to add:

  • 3rd slanted eyes option to be even closer to the original.

  • More eye colors: nighfallen violet, arcane magenta, felborne green, nightwell dark blue, dusk lily pink, coral, blind.


Things to add:

  • Already existing nightborne NPCs, nightfallen, felborne and falā€™dorei skin tones. Including Elisande tint, maybe even Azsharaā€™s (or a bit less saturated version due to Nightwell influence), but only if you give it to Night Elves too. Tho personally I want this two races to stay unique, few ā€œhighborneā€ things sharing could be an exception.

Missing NPCā€™s skin tones ā€”

imgur. com/a/L9JuvDB


Things to fix:

  • ā€œMagistrixā€ inverted body leyline glow ā€” not sure if itā€™s bug or feature.

  • Leylines are barely visible. Glow intensity option could make it more noticeable, distinctly glowing in the dark.

Things to add:

  • Color options, same as suggested eye colors. Maybe the colors should reflect specific school of magic mastered by the nightborne, tho Iā€™m not sure if it matches the lore.

  • Felborne leylines.

  • Nightfallen runic scarification tattoos ā€”

imgur. com/a/yJKFab4

In-game this scars have a purple glow on the back.


Things to add:

  • Same long and sharp fingernails as NPCs have ā€”

imgur. com/a/AKstnUx

  • Outline glow ā€”

imgur. com/41pY2Ew

  • Different glow color options including Fel yellow-green ā€”

wowhead. com/npc=115273/felborne-sorcerer#modelviewer

  • Fan-made customization by Shalashaska has it and even more already ā€”

youtube. com/watch?v=kLr5dDXn5nE


Things to fix:

Female haistyles:

  • ā€œPigtailsā€ looks creepy and unfinished. Just please, donā€™t copy from Kaldorei.
  • ā€œRegal bunā€ reveals bald skin if you look sideways ā€”

imgur. com/a/uXHfxyx

  • ā€œHighbornā€ fix or replacement to look (and move) like the NPCā€™s original ā€”

imgur. com/a/JJbfUjC

All hairstyles:

  • Lack of physics, example by Lunaera:

ā€œHighbornā€ hairstyle on Legion NPC:

youtu. be/lADIzrHExkc

Same hairstyle on Shadowlands player:

youtu. be/0kZsvEH92lw

Things to add:

  • Animated mana flowing in hair :bangbang: with different color options (same as suggested eye/school of magic colors)

imgur. com/a/BxVcpzG

  • Already existing NPCā€™s hairstyles (both Valtroisā€™ in her nightfallen and recovered form, Silgrynā€™s).

  • Female long ponytail.

  • More longer hairstyles for male.

  • Falā€™dorei hairstyle or something alike.

  • Few more pastel color options.

:spider_web:HAIR JEWELRY:

Things to fix:

  • Diadem and head jewelry fix since theyā€™re clipping through some hairstyles.

Things to add:

Already existing NPCs headdresses ā€”

imgur. com/bwOCSMD

  • More hair ornaments maybe in a future: Arcanā€™dor vines for a hair, decorative dusk lily flower(s), glowing falā€™dorei web, thin silver chains with moonstones/purple gems.

Inspired by amazing Faebelinaā€™s artworks ā€”

imgur. com/a/cyFPkfm

and Keyboardturnerā€™s video ā€”

youtu. be/eMhF6TKRnPM

:spider_web:OTHER JEWELRY:

Things to add:

  • Claw jewelry from Elisande model ā€”

imgur. com/a/u4YNvSQ

  • Bronze option.

  • Maybe some body ornaments shown in Shalashaskaā€™s video (can clip with an armor tho, but looks great with hidden chest).


Things to add:

  • NPCā€™s turned down option ā€”

imgur. com/a/CLM84AW

  • Size options.


  • Duskwatch Arcblade return with proper sheath position on the back.

  • Nightborne heritage daggers.

  • Color variations.

:spider_web:HERITAGE ARMOR:

Things to add:

  • Non-robe heritage armor, or just any already existing Suramar armor instead, whatever is easier to do (please, consider this set) ā€”

imgur. com/a/uk247EG

  • More revealing male armor.

  • Separate chin ornament.

  • Red version ā€”


Things to replace/add:

  • Barefoot option

  • Unique dance (every allied race deserves one) instead of Night Elf dance.

  • Some unique casting animations instead of Night Elf animations (personally I love channeling casting animations of Falā€™dorei model ā€”

wowhead. com/npc=110381/faldorei-silkwitch#modelviewer

Some venthyr animations also fit the nobility theme.

:spider_web: ALSO:

  • Suramar NPCs shouldnā€™t be hostile to their own kin. Would be amazing to see after rebellion city version with Zidormiā€™s help, or at least you could make NPCs neutral to us.

  • Nightborne druids, they are lore-friendly and can be sooo cool aesthetically ā€”
    (Hashtag says ā€œkaldoreiā€, tho she looks similiar to nightborne)

twitter. com/regalgorgon/status/1429719116051533825

imgur. com/a/KXaFHPZ

imgur. com/a/DFux8hj

Iā€™d also add leyline spider as one of shapeshift forms.

  • And Demon Hunters maybe in future. Shalā€™dorei have plenty reasons to hate demons.

Better racials (hidden since this is a bit off-topic)

"Magical Affinity" +1% magical damage is logical, but what if I play outlaw rogue or warrior? "Arcane Pulse" is just boring and nearly useless. "Cantrips" mailbox-folio is available for the caster only, so it's worse than Katy or MOLL-E. "Dispel Illusions" ā€”

wowpedia. fandom. com/wiki/Dispel_Illusions

Concept fits perfectly, it would really help in some PvP situations, tho should be somehow buffed to be useful in PvE.
ā€œMasqueradeā€ ā€”

wowpedia. fandom. com/wiki/Masquerade_(racial_trait)

Also love the idea, but mechanics seems to be nearly useless. Imagine infiltrating the enemy via stealing humanoidā€™s appearance for letā€™s say 1 minute. Another faction considers you as friendly, so you can:

  1. Go behind enemy lines during the battlegrounds, tho you become hostile to your faction.
  2. Skip some mobs.

Probably this ideas are stupid, technically impossible or still useless, and nightborne community will suggest something better.


  • Š”ustomization lock. So ppl can ā€œlockā€ specific options and use randomize button without the chosen options being changed.

  • Š”lass-related customization options. Not just for 2 classes, but for each of them, so it will be fair. Imagine playable night elf druid with antlers, camouflage paint for hunters, warrior scars and so on.