Last wish - Nightborne customization

Sure, flowers and nature, but not a garden like in Suramar…

Stop asking the same questions.

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I can relate to that during the Nordrassil part.

Like share and etc.

Ignore the fanatic above.

I am sorry for being a fanatic of the actual lore, maybe I should create my delusional bubble too where Tyrande separated from the Alliance and nuked Orgrimmar, claiming Kalimdor for the Kaldorei.

And then proceed to claim it’s canon like you.

She and your kin are lap dogs of the humans, laying on the streets while they are living in their kingdoms. Disgrace of our glorious past. Pathetic scums.

They have not even aided you in the Battle for the Darkshore, yet you fight under their banner.

If you knew the lore…
The Kaldorei returned to Mount Hyjal before Sl.

As I said, check the Night Elf lore link I just sent you idiot.

Were on the streets growing pumpkins.

Look how pathetic, lowborne commoner insults their betters, I call you for Tal’ashar!

8Pm server time.

See you on the gates of the Suramar.

Lunadormou#4526 add me in discord as I don’t use forums in the evening.

so much tension in this thread you two should just kiss and make up

That wall talking meme gif was hilarious though , great stuff ! :stuck_out_tongue:

We are tho, just acting in forums. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

That is how I feel every time I speak to him. :woman_shrugging:


Also, why do you share yourself the profiles from discord for Non-friends to add you to the friends´ list and don´t agree with Elrian or someone else :thinking:

Lol reminds me of the old days when everyone thought me and Luna are a old divorced couple

The fight between different elves on the forums is always hilarious. In the end they all are descendants of trolls

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It is a discord, not my home address lol. I couldn’t care less about sharing my discord tag.

I have a Tal’ashar with that creature soon.

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Andu-falah-dor! Elune guide my bow!
Dare you not to challenge me again Elunaera.

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I thought you and Elunaera hate each others

He lost 6 times after he posted that lmao. I won’t let some commoner humiliate me in the gates of OUR city.