Last wish - Nightborne customization

Oh and I wish they would change the Teldrassil banner. It’s the ugliest flag I’ve seen in my life, and I’m Druid.

Goodness. I’m glad Teldrassil burned and I hope the flag burns with it.

As a Muslim, I much favor the moon flags.

Perhaps for the new flag they can do the new tree they will grow, and under it a moon. Similar to the Warcraft 3 banner.

Weak, you let her desecrate out lore like this, disgusting.

What the hell? Our banner was beautiful, what’s wrong with you?

You know, you said so much garbage I don’t even know where to start.
First off, Nordrasssil was planted after the Sundering and the defeat of the Highborne, it’s name didn’t exist back then.

“Drassil” means crown in Darnassian, all World Trees have this in their name, example:
Vordrassil- Broken Crown
Teldrassil- Crown of the Earth
Andrassil- Crown of the Snow

Teldrassil is gone, the survivors; The Kaldorei, no longer fight only for Teldrassil but for their race as a whole, for all Kaldorei, Wardens, Highborne, Illidari, that’s why they changed it back to their old banner.

Hahaha, wrong again, they made the banner with the World Tree and the half moon scythe after the planting of Teldrassil.
This was our banner before:

As I said the new (old) Kaldorei banner represents the Kaldorei race as a whole not just the ones of Teldrassil.

I will correct you once again, the song was created after the Sundering or changed as it mentions Nordrassil, most likely changed by the Kaldorei people.

If saying the biggest of ignorant false garbage in a thread means winning, yea sure, you own
You failed miserably again with your Nordrassil theory, just stop it…
You can start here.

Stop pretending you’re an expert in Night Elf lore and dumping all other people who call you out from your delusional bubble.

Give me a break.

Grow pumpkins, I have no time for you.

The song was literally written for the dungeon, and yet you keep saying me something.

Talking garbage again.
Erevien is that you?

If it was writen for the Dungeon then it would have different lyrics, because Nordrassil was mentioned and it didn’t exist during the invasion of Zin-Azshari.

Check this out, it’s a good place to start:

"Nightsong " is a recurring Darnassian song introduced in *Cataclysm and written by Neal Acree.

Which night elven thing we had in Cataclysm?

Right, the Well of Eternity dungeon.

Yes, a Darnassian song, you got it right this time.

You mean Darnassian?
I don’t know, maybe the invasion of Ashenvale, Mount Hyjal, Darkshore?
Do you even play the game?

Oh! Look! It’s a Night Elf zone in Cataclysm using the “Nightsong” track, just check this out!

And now, let’s see the Zin-Azshari dungeon track…

I can’t hear any “Nightsong” here.

Just waste of time to argue with you at this point.

Go touch a grass, you have been in this thread 24/7 now, and this thread is dedicated for the Nightborne, not the lowborne savages.

Want to talk lore, open one in the lore section, I will gladly respond to you.

Stop trashing the thread with your nonsense, I won’t accept your point of view regardless of anything.

N’eth ana.

Yea, keep living in your own delusional lore bubble, I got no patience for your crap anymore, adeus.

I dare you to open a thread in the lore section claiming Nordrassil existed before the Sundering, then I can grab some popcorn sit back and laugh.



You will never have Nightborne Druids.

Never say never, people were saying you will never get the Felborne too, guess who is coming as a felborne in 10.1?

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When the game lore is thrown into garbage you can have druids, and Undead will be Paladins as well, along with Panda Demon Hunters.
But while lore still matters:

Is it not thrown already?

I almost got chocked to death.

The first druids were the Tauren, before they ventured to south and became feral, forgot the teachings of Cenarius.

Following them it were the Keepers, the proto druids and the highborne.

And only after that it was Malfurion.

Not all of it.

The first ever druid was Malfurion Stormrage, period.
He was the only one who had a connection with the Emerald Dream and was the most dedicated of Cenarius’s disciples.
Why do you want to steal our culture from us?

I thought you despised the “Lowborne” and their magic, that they slept in filthy dens instead of glorious cities?

Can you make up your mind, Druids are Druids, they have the strongest connection with Nature and Life, you don’t, but the Kaldorei do, what’s the problem?

To be a druid, you should not follow Cenarius.

You should not be Nightelf or Tauren.

You can still be a Highborne and be a druid.

Say it to my fellow friends the Nightborne sages and the Shal’dorei Naturalists.


Using Nature magic doesn’t make you a Druid.

Their name is Naturalist… the Naturalist is the druid, unlike the botanist.

They literally use druidic spells.

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Druids are connected to the Wilds, not flowers and gardens inside a city like Suramar.


Restoration druids left the chat.

Also, stop spamming.