Late Evening player looking for a guild

now just to come right out and say it, i don’t raid as my play times are more late night (21/22:00 - late)

I’m an “old school player”, i was here in Vanilla > now (skipped a few expansions because content wasnt engaging enough), i did raid back in WOTLK when i was younger and didnt have the commitments i have now. i like typing my chat’s instead of screaming on discord.

My interests lye mainly in M+ pushing, currently main a tank and a few alt’s, atm im playing healer to to fill the time in before S4. i would totally get into raiding if i found the right guild with the right times ofc.

My history this expac is:
S1 i played HPally (got KSM)
S2 played Druid Tank (got KSM)
S3 i’ve played Monk Tank (got KSM, KSH) and looking to push fast and hard for S4.

Hello there we are Late night raiding guild, witch schedule that might fit for you. Check out our recruit post and give me your taughts:

Hey Mocus,

We aren’t exactly what you’re asking for, but we’re a bunch of old timers who raid only once a week, late on Wed evenings. Happy to have a chat if that’s the kind of thing that interests you - my contact details are on this post: